COACHING AS A STAFF DEVELOPMENT TOOL Whetting some appetites The dilemma of making it happen
OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Raise awareness of coaching as a staff development tool to promote effective teaching and learning Share some of the basic theory of emotional intelligence as a key driver of coaching practice Identify and train a cohort of lead practitioners (TLRs) to develop a peer coaching programme across the school to support the implementation of our Teaching and Learning Policy
WHY COACHING? Coaching seems to be everywhere at the moment. Not only is it gaining a higher profile at national policy level, its use is growing in professional and school development (Leading Coaching in Schools: NCSL 2005)
WHY COACHING? Increasingly effective CPD is seen as providing (DfES) Opportunities for collaboration with peers and experts Observation, feedback and shared interpretation of classroom experiences Processes to encourage, extend and structure professional reflection and dialogue. Programmes that enable teachers to incorporate and embed new practices into their teaching. Scope for teachers to identify their own starting points based on an analysis of both their own and pupil needs.
WHY COACHING? Other drivers include:- *NCSL RESEARCH. Strong evidence that coaching promotes learning and builds capacity for change in schools. *KEY STAGE 3 (now SECONDARY) STRATEGY. Emphasises the importance of collaborative professional development and peer support that enables teachers to learn together. *TEACHERS PAY REVIEW. (TLR FACTORS) Lead, develop and enhance the teaching practice of other staff. *SELF-EVALUATION. Giving quality feedback to bring about further improvement.
START WITH OURSELVES Exercise (in pairs) Who had a significant influence on you as a teacher/leader? (someone you worked with, not a remote significant other) How did they help you develop? *What did they do? *What did they say? (others capacity to influence us)
COACHING PRACTICE IN SCHOOLS IS BUILT ON: Four essential qualities *A desire to make a difference to student learning *A commitment to professional learning *A belief in the abilities of colleagues *A commitment to developing emotional intelligence Five key skills *Establishing rapport and trust *Listening for meaning *Questioning for understanding *Prompting reflection and learning *Developing confidence of others
FIVE KEY BEHAVIOURS *establishes high levels of trust *is consistent over time *offers genuine respect *is honest, frank and open *challenges without threat
COACHING THEREFORE IS NOT ABOUT *Giving answers or direct advice *Making judgements *Offering counselling *Creating dependency *Imposing agendas or initiatives *Confirming long held prejudices
Could you coach them?
TASK Choose any of the three celebrities Could you have coached that person? Yes?……why/what have you got? No?…….why not/what do you need?
FORMS OF COACHING Informal coaching conversations Specialist coaching Peer coaching Team coaching Expert coaching
KEY QUESTION How do you change someones behaviour?
Traits My non-conscious patterns of behaviour Self Image What I value in myself Social Role How I see myself in society Skills What I can do Knowledge My reservoir of knowledge and experience Motives What excites me Day 1 [3] © All rights reserved 2003
What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing emotions effectively in ourselves and in others. An emotional competence is a learned capability based on emotional intelligence that contributes to effective performance at work. Daniel Goleman
Aristotles Challenge Anyone can become angry -- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way-- this is not easy. Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
EI Equates to Outstanding Performance 67% are emotional intelligence competenciesce 33% are related to cognitive or technical skills To put it another way: –EI drives two-thirds of outstanding performance –EI has twice the weight of cognitive ability and technical skill combined HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HayGroup
IM INTERESTED, WHAT AM I SIGNING UP TO? Some basic propositions *Deliberate, focused feedback can be a powerful source of influence between people. *Precise feedback isnt possible unless individuals agree to reveal what they ordinarily conceal. *Individuals need to suspend the conventions of normal face to face exchanges. *Effective feedback needs coaching skills. *Without accurate, focused, deliberate interpersonal feedback, our efforts to learn are reduced to pure trial and error. (E.H.Schein)
WHERE TO FROM HERE? *Who is interested? *Initial in-house training of a peer coaching team *Skills training (CEL Manchester) *Pilot *Roll out September 2006