Use ERIC to find Research Reports Use Detailed records to evaluate items Use the Subject Thesaurus
1. Go to 2. Click on databases link 3. Click on ERIC (FirstSearch) ERIC FirstSearch indexes journal articles as well as the reports and dissertations in
Enter your webmail username and password.
Type your search terms and click on search Keyword – searches Title, abstract, document
When you search by keyword the database is looking for that word in a title, abstract, subject, or anywhere in the text. It is a very broad search. We need a better search strategy.
Use Publication Type to limit your results to research reports. Click on the Searching tab to return to the search screen. Changing keyword to subject or descriptor will narrow the search. Sometimes title is good, too.
Peer-reviewed journal articles or SHORT ERIC (ED) reports are your best options. * *
Click on the title for more information Fewer than 50 results is a good number. Learn all you can from the information on the screen. PDF=picture of the article as it appears in the paper copy HTML=is just the print. Olivet owns in paper so if there is no full text link, to it to you. Always note the number of pages.
Use the Abstract (the summary of the article) and the descriptors to decide if this item is appropriate for your research. Indexers have assigned these terms to describe the item. Summary Notice: Your search terms are highlighted.
or print the citation View, print, or the full-text If you arent sure about this one, mark it and re-evaluate it later.
Click here to get back to the results list Use the buttons on the record, not your Browser Back. This keeps your search active and avoids an annoying time-out.
Watch for this link, too! If there is not a full text link click on Check for full text.
Still cannot get to the full-text? Use ILL (free service).
You must put information in the starred fields… Use the comments field if you are in panic mode or need help finding more information! Items are ordered within 24 hours (M-F), and usually only take a few days to come in. They will be sent to your unless you specify otherwise.
Your ILL confirmation Click here to do a new search Make sure you see that green message!!!!
Search the official list of ERIC descriptors Your searches will be most effective if you think like the indexer!
Type your keyword to see if it is an ERIC Descriptor and click Find. Experiment with synonyms. Then click expand to get related descriptors. active learning
NOTE: teacher as facilitator is NOT a descriptor in ERIC. Use active learning!