Partners in Mind Workshop 17 November 2009
I have a dream!
Referral Pathways: Who can GPs refer to? How do they refer? – is there particular paperwork to be used – is there an intake criteria? What happens to the patient? How does the GP become aware of the patient’s journey, their treatment, their medication etc?
Events: Meet & Greet – for health professionals to meet and provide information about their services Provide Support (utilise existing channels, such as case conferencing) Education & Training Explore shared employment arrangements Provide shared care options
Partners in Mind (PIM) Qld Health funded 12 implementation sites across Qld Statewide Coordinator What can we achieve? Strong partnerships Improved coordination and collaboration A system more accessible and equitable Improved mental health outcomes for patients Decreased avoidable psychiatric hospital admissions
PIM Phase Two The dream becomes a reality: A comprehensive, cohesive and coordinated mental health care environment. advocate and progress the aims of the PIM initiative acting as a driving force to implement systemic change
Queensland Plan for Mental Health 2007-2017 Priority 2: Improving and integrating the care system Enhance and develop the continuum of clinical mental health treatment and care for consumers, families and carers
The Queensland Framework for Primary Mental Health Care The Queensland Framework for Primary Mental Health Care has been developed to improve outcomes for people with a mental illness by working towards the “ideal” primary mental health care sector: “All available resources are utilised as effectively as possible, services are interconnected and work well together to ensure clients can easily navigate the system and do not fall through gaps, services are evidence based and address client needs, the work required to develop linkages is prioritised, funded and supported, funding is provided efficiently and appropriately to local services, and there are enough resources to meet local needs” The Framework guides system reform and identifies a range of strategies at the local and state level to support a more integrated and effective mental health care system.
What is Partners in Mind? Partners in Mind (PIM) strives towards the “ideal” primary mental health care sector and aims to achieve the objectives in the Framework. The PIM initiative is one component of the broader Queensland Framework for Primary Mental Health Care. Specific Focus – DMHS and DGP/GPs/Private practitioners PIM strives to : Increase the capacity of the private sector to meet clients’ needs and enhance consumer choice; Better integrate the public and private mental health care services and improve continuity of care. Objectives Improved linkages and increased capacity Clear roles Local service provision with a consumer and carer focus Better understanding and use of available resources and initiatives Note - PIM is about service delivery reform that organises health services around people’s needs and expectations, to make them more responsive to consumers needs, while producing better outcomes. Service reform in both the public and private sectors. The PIM initiative has been implemented in seven demonstration sites since 2007 with positive outcomes and feedback. In 2009-10, QH, MHB will continue to support and fund the implementation of PIM in the 7 demo sites and will expand PIM to additional 5 sites (where the PCLO positions have been allocated). The DGP have received funding in each of PIM sites to support their involvement. GPQ have been provided funding to lead the implementation and will be responsible for the coordination of PIM.
Partners in Mind Action Areas Implement appropriate strategies under the six Action Areas based on needs of local region
PIM implementation potential outcomes Consumers are more frequently engaged with a regular GP Consumers are more satisfied with the continuity of care and the quality of the service they receive from the mental health sector GPs are providing more appropriate and effective referrals to other service providers, including the DMHS GPs are more satisfied with DMHS intake and discharge processes GPs are more involved in mental health case conferences GPs and other PMHC service providers are more knowledgeable about referral options and service criteria within the region GPs have increased confidence and skills in managing mental health clients GPs have access to timely and effective mental health advice and support Service providers have a better understanding and use of existing initiatives and resources DMHSs improve the quality and efficiency of DMHS discharge summaries DMHS implement improved processes for sharing information with other service providers DMHS and GPs respect each others roles and those of other key stakeholders DMHS and DGP have improved relationships and are working in partnership DMHS and DGP establish a forum, that includes consumer/carer participation, to enable ongoing dialogue between key stakeholders in relation to integrating the public and private sectors (for example, a steering committee or management group) DMHS and DGP develop and implement a MoU or Partnership Agreement between key mental health stakeholders Key mental health stakeholders are engaged in the development of the project and help to identify priority areas for action
Roles and Responsibilities Queensland Health, Mental Health Branch & General Practice Queensland State-wide PIM Coordinator; Leadership, expertise and ongoing support regarding the PIM initiative, and its implementation, to each of the sites; Facilitate sharing of good practice, for example through workshops and the PIM website; Wide-spread dissemination of the project outcomes and learnings; Conduct statewide evaluation of PIM and oversee the PIM statewide evaluation process; Conduct a review of the Framework document; Actively represent the PIM initiative and its stakeholders at a state level; Foster state level linkages with mental health stakeholders; Identifying opportunities for collaboration with other initiatives; Liaise with QH/GPQ about project progress; Advise QH on future directions and report on progress for each of the implementation sites. Statewide representation and advocacy etc
What is the Role of the District Mental Health Service? Primary Care Liaison Officers (PCLOs) are responsible for leading the implementation of the PIM initiative within their DMHS. Facilitate systemic reform across the DMHS in relation to better integrating the public and private mental health sectors and improving continuity of care. Work towards increasing the capacity of private mental health care service providers, in particular GPs, to respond to the needs of people with mental health problems and disorders. PCLOs work collaboratively with the local Division of General Practice (DGP) to determine strategies to be implemented within the PIM action areas. The target population of this role includes consumer and carers, the District Mental Health Service clinicians and managers, and private mental health care service providers (including GPs, DGP, private psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers and occupational therapists) within a specified catchment area.
What is the Role of the Division of General Practice? The PCLO will lead the implementation of PIM in partnership with the local DGP. QH has provided funding to the DGP within each of the PIM sites to support their involvement and ensure they have capacity to progress the local implementation plan Assist implementation of local strategies, facilitate access to GPs, provide specialist knowledge regarding primary mental health care services and provide insight into the “other side”.
What is expected of the DMHS and DGP? DMHS and DGP remain jointly accountable for project outcomes Sign and submit Partnership Agreement Steering committee Clarify roles and responsibilities Strive towards aims of PIM and the Qld Framework for PMHC Engage in collaboration between local DGP, GPs and DMHS to support aims and objectives of PIM Engage in joint planning to determine priority areas Develop a joint local implementation plan clearly stipulates aims, strategies, outcomes, evaluation and person responsible. Implement and progress local implementation plan Responsible for meeting reporting requirements Local Implementation Plan (DMHS) Financial Reports (DGP) Comply with evaluation requirements of PIM Participate in PIM Workshops
Reporting Requirements and Templates Partnership Agreement - extended due date 11th December 2009 Local Implementation Plan Financial Reports Temperature Checklist Evaluation
Local Implementation Plan Template
Temperature Checklist Template
Support Site Visits Website PIM Planning and Implementation Guide Templates Workshops How much support do you want? and what kind of support?
Partners in Mind Steering Committee The Partners in Mind Steering Committee will provide expert advice and guidance regarding the integration of the public and private mental health sectors. The Partners in Mind Steering Committee will: assist in the establishment of a consistent statewide approach to standards, quality and service delivery regarding the integration of the public and private mental health sectors provide a forum for consultation regarding the integration of the public and private sectors provide expert advise and direction provide a forum to raise and discuss operational issues support the implementation of PIM at a state level identify and review statewide pieces of work that will assist the implementation of PIM provide advice regarding policy and planning to MHB and GPQ, and make recommendations on emerging issues ensure activities are aligned with the strategic directions of the Queensland Plan for Mental Health 2007-2017 (QPMH) build strategic partnerships with key stakeholders that can inform mental health policy.
Thank you