Spanish Review Table of Contents 180 Verbs - Spanish to EnglishSlide Verbs – English to SpanishSlide 33 Verb Tenses (past, future, ect)Slide 64 Made by: Nathan M.
Spanish to English
Tener To have Ser To be Estar To be Tocar To touch Estudiar To study Trabajar To work
Cantar To sing Viajar To travel Visitar To visit Ganar To gain, earn, win Nadar To swim Mirar To look, watch
Bailar To dance Hablar To talk Esperar To wait Pescar To fish Jugar To play sports Desear To desire
Necesitar To need Escuchar To listen Sacar To take Invitar To invite Preparar To prepare Cocinar To cook
Abrazar To hug Besar To kiss Patinar To skate Limpiar To clean Caminar To walk Practicar To practice
Romper To break Creer To believe Correr To run Leer To read Hacer To do or make Escribir To write
Aprender To learn Beber To drink Comer To eat Comprender To understand Ver To see Vender To sell
Llorar To cry Saltar To jump Contester To answer Llevar To wear Buscar To look for Ensenar To teach
Llegar To arrive Andar To walk Amar To love Manejar To drive Tomar To take/take in Ayudar To help
Asistir To attend Permitir To permit Vivir To live Repetir To repeat Insistir To insist Comprar To buy
Sentir To feel Cerrer To close Querer To like/love/want Empezar To start Perder To lose Recomendar To reccomend
Poner To put or place Traer To bring Oir To hear Conocer To know people/familiar with a place Ofrecer To offer Traducir To translate
Llamar To call Prestar To lend Decir To say or tell Pensar To think Preferir To prefer Entender To understand
Encontrar To find/seek Dormir To sleep Costar To cost Volver To turn Almorzar To eat lunch Poder To be able to
Contar To count Recordar To record Probar To test Volar To fly Salir To leave/go out Poner To put/place
Obedecer To obey Conducir To drive Saber To know facts/know how Ir To go Dar To give Banarse To bathe
Lavarse To wash Peinarse To comb Cepillarse To brush Ducharse To shower Afeitrse To shave Dibujar To draw
Esquiar To ski Cambiar To change Casar To marry Explicar To explain Descansar To rest - lie down Revisar To revise / check
Entregar To deliver Escalar To climb Regalar To give a gift Pintar To paint Odiar To hate Admirar To admire
Respetar To respect Empujar To push Probar To test Llenar To fill Atender To attend Merecer To earn
Parecer To appear/seem Pertenecer To belong Deber To owe Responder To Answer Dirigir To direct Compartir To share
Quitarse To remove Vestirse To dress Enojarse To hate, mad, angry Preocuparse To worry Portarse To behave Despertarse To wake up
Quedarse To stay Irse To go Darse Prisa To hurry Aburrirse To bore Cansarse To tire Impacientarse To be impacient
Burlarse To bully Equivocarse To make a mistake Casarse To marry Cortarse To cut Prepararse To prepare Secarse To dry
Divirterse To enjoy Ocuparse To ccupy Ponerse To put Levantarse To rise Acostarse To Lie down Callarse To Shut up
Depedirse To say goodbye Marcharse To leave/go Reunirse To Reunite Alegrarse To be happy Enfadarse To get angry Irritarse To irritate
Darse Cuenta To realize Quejarse To complain Pelearse To fight Barrer To sweep Colgar To hang Decorar To decorate
Planchar To iron Revolver To turn/spin Untar To grease Anadir To add Combinar To combine Pelar To peel
Mezclar To mix Echar To pour Precalientar To preheat Hornar To bake Montar To ride Parar To stop
Caerse To fall Estacionar To park Caber To fit Construir To construct
English to Spanish
To have Tener To be Ser To be Estar To touch Tocar To study Estudiar To work Trabajar
To sing Cantar To travel Viajar To visit Visitar To gain, earn, win Ganar To swim Nadar To look, watch Mirar
To dance Bailar To talk Hablar To wait Esperar To fish Pescar To play sports Jugar To desire Desear
To need Necesitar To listen Escuchar To take Sacar To invite Invitar To prepare Preparar To cook Cocinar
To hug Abrazar To kiss Besar To skate Patinar To clean Limpiar To walk Caminar To practice Practicar
To break Romper To believe Creer To run Correr To read Leer To do or make Hacer To write Escribir
To learn Aprender To drink Beber To eat Comer To understand Comprender To see Ver To sell Vender
To cry Llorar To jump Saltar To answer Contester To wear Llevar To look for Buscar To teach Ensenar
To arrive Llegar To walk Andar To love Amar To drive Manejar To take/take in Tomar To help Ayudar
To attend Asistir To permit Permitir To live Vivir To repeat Repetir To insist Insistir To buy Comprar
To feel Sentir To close Cerrer To like/love/want Querer To start Empezar To lose Perder To reccomend Recomendar
To put or place Poner To bring Traer To hear Oir To know people/familiar with a place Conocer To offer Ofrecer To translate Traducir
To call Llamar To lend Prestar To say or tell Decir To think Pensar To prefer Preferir To understand Entender
To find/seek Encontrar To sleep Dormir To cost Costar To turn Volver To eat lunch Almorzar To be able to Poder
To count Contar To record Recordar To test Probar To fly Volar To leave/go out Salir To put/place Poner
To obey Obedecer To drive Conducir To know facts/know how Saber To go Ir To give Dar To bathe Banarse
To wash Lavarse To comb Peinarse To brush Cepillarse To shower Ducharse To shave Afeitrse To draw Dibujar
To ski Esquiar To change Cambiar To marry Casar To explain Explicar To rest - lie down Descansar To revise / check Revisar
To deliver Entregar To climb Escalar To give a gift Regalar To paint Pintar To hate Odiar To admire Admirar
To respect Respetar To push Empujar To test Probar To fill Llenar To attend Atender To earn Merecer
To stay Quedarse To go Irse To hurry Darse Prisa To bore Aburrirse To tire Cansarse To be impacient Impacientarse
To appear/seem Parecer To belong Pertenecer To owe Deber To Answer Responder To direct Dirigir To share Compartir
To remove Quitarse To dress Vestirse To hate, mad, angry Enojarse To worry Preocuparse To behave Portarse To wake up Despertarse
To bully Burlarse To make a mistake Equivocarse To marry Casarse To cut Cortarse To prepare Prepararse To dry Secarse
To enjoy Divirterse To occupy Ocuparse To put Ponerse To rise Levantarse To Lie down Acostarse To Shut up Callarse
To say goodbye Depedirse To leave/go Marcharse To Reunite Reunirse To be happy Alegrarse To get angry Enfadarse To irritate Irritarse
To realize Darse Cuenta To complain Quejarse To fight Pelearse To sweep Barrer To hang Colgar To decorate Decorar
To iron Planchar To turn/spin Revolver To grease Untar To add Anadir To combine Combinar To peel Pelar
To mix Mezclar To pour Echar To preheat Precalientar To bake Hornar To ride Montar To stop Parar
To fall Caerse To park Estacionar To fit Caber To construct Construir
Verb Tenses
Present Ar verbsEr/Ir Verbs amoso as aan o es e imos emos en
Present Progressive + Estoy Estás Estamos EstáEstán ando iendo
Near Future Voy Vas Va Vamos Van + A + Infinitive
Immediate Past Acabo Acabas Acaba Acabámos Acaban + de + Infinitive
Preterito é aste ó amos aron Ar Verbs í iste ió imos ieron Er/Ir Verbs
Futuro é án emos ás á
Imperfecto Ar verbsEr/Ir Verbs aba ía aban ábamos abas aba íamos ías íaían
Other things you need to know: Any irregular verb conjugations Ser vs. Estar Saber vs. Conocer Imperfecto vs. Preterito