Students will be able to conjugate –AR verbs. Students will be assessed by completing the Foldable.


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Presentation transcript:

Students will be able to conjugate –AR verbs. Students will be assessed by completing the Foldable.

Foldable Titles 1)El Libro de Los Verbos 2)Subject Pronouns 3)Infinitives & Verb Stems 4)Regular-AR Verbs 5) Regular –ER Verbs 6) Regular –IR Verbs 7) Stemchanging Verbs 8) Irregular “Yo” Verbs

Subject Pronouns (VERY IMPORTANT) Because the verb form often indicates who the subject of a sentence is, one can properly leave out the subject pronoun. GO TO PAGE 14 & COPY THE SUBJECT PRONOUNS IN ENGLISH & SPANISH.

Infinitives: (VERY IMPORTANT) Every verb has a stem followed by an ending. An infinitive tells the meaning of the verb without naming any subject or tense. There are three kinds of infinitives in Spanish: those ending in -ar, those ending in -er, and those ending in -ir. -ar infinitives= cantar: to singcant stem –ar infinitive ending -er infinitives=comer: to eatcom stem –er infinitive ending -ir infinitives=escribir: to writeescrib stem –ir infinitive ending

Regular –AR Verbs (VERY IMPORTANT) To give a verb a subject, you conjugate it. To conjugate a regular –ar verb in the present tense, drop the –ar ending of the infinitive and add these endings, –o, -as, - a, -amos, -áis, -an.. Each ending goes with a particular subject: Take a look at textbook page 98 for the conjugation).

Regular –AR Verbs (VERY IMPORTANT) alquilar: to rent cantar=to sing dibujar=to draw escuchar=to listen bailar=to dance descansar=to rest estudiar=to study hablar=to talk nadar=to swim navegar=to navigate pasar=to pass, to spend time pasear=to go for a walk patinar=to skate practicar=to practice tocar=to touch trabajar=to work Ayudar=to help Arreglar=to arrange, to fix Caminar=to walk Cocinar= to cook Comprar= to buy Contestar=to answer Cortar=to cut Enseñar=to teach Llamar=to call Mirar=to look at Necesitar=to need Tomar=to take, to drink Preparar=to prepare Terminar=to finish, end Usar= to use, to wear Viajar=to travel Visitar=to visit Limpiar=to clean Sacar=to take out, to take

Regular –AR Verbs (VERY IMPORTANT) alquilar: Cantar= Dibujar= Escuchar= Bailar= Descansar= Estudiar= Hablar= Nadar= Navegar= Pasar= Pasear= Patinar= Practicar= Tocar= Trabajar= Ayudar= Arreglar= Caminar= Cocinar= Comprar= Contestar= Cortar= Enseñar= Llamar= Mirar= Necesitar= Tomar= Preparar= Terminar= Usar= Viajar= Visitar= Limpiar= Sacar=

Regular –ER Verbs (VERY IMPORTANT) The present tense of regular –er verbs is formed by dropping the infinitive ending –er and adding the personal endings –o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en. The present tense has the following meanings in English: Usted come: you eat, you’re eating, you do eat Ella come: she eats, she’s eating, she does eat

Regular –ER & IR Verbs (VERY IMPORTANT) -ER Verbs -IR Verbs aprender=to learn beber=to drink comer= to eat correr=to run creer to believe esconder=to hide leer=to read prometer=to promise responder=to answer vender=to sell Asistir=to attend, to assist Decidir=to decide Escribir= to write Permitir=to permit Insistir= to insist Recibir=to receive Vivir=to live

Regular –ER & IR Verbs (VERY IMPORTANT) -ER Verbs -IR Verbs aprender= Beber= comer= Correr= Creer Esconder= Leer= Prometer= Responder= Vender= Asistir= Decidir= Escribir= Permitir= Insistir= Recibir= Vivir=

Regular –IR Verbs (VERY IMPORTANT) The present tense of regular –ir verbs is formed by dropping the infinitive ending –ir and adding the personal endings –o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en. The present tense has the following meanings in English: Escribir: to write Usted escribe: you write, you’re writing, you do write