1) What had the fundamental law of 1906 stated? that Supreme Autocratic power belongs to the Emperor of all Russia, and that no law can come into existence without His approval.
2) Why is this important? Meant Nicholas retained his supreme authority
3) What was the Duma designed to do? Designed to allow public participation in both the deliberative and legislative processes of policy-making at government level.
4) Who was Pytor Stolypin? Prime Minister
5) What were his beliefs about the peasants, and what did he plan to do with them? (2) Stolypin believed that the peasants were natural conservatives at heart. He planned to introduce reforms that would harness this conservatism and bring them on to the side of the government.
6) What did he do to achieve this? introduce a freehold system of land tenure- give peasants ownership of their land.
7) What was Russia like in 1906? Plagued by revolutionary unrest and wide discontent among the population.
8) What did Stolypin do, and how successful was he? (2) introduced a new court system that allowed for the arrest and speedy trial of accused offenders. Over 3,000 suspects were convicted and executed by these special courts between The gallows hence acquired the nickname 'Stolypin's necktie'.
9) What happened on September 14 th 1911? Stolypin was assassinated at the Opera
10) What did he shout as he died? I am happy to die for the Tsar!