Steve Jobs the Transformational Leader Idealized Influences Inspirational Motivation Intellectual Stimulation Individualized Consideration
Idealized Influence These are leaders who act as a strong role models for followers Time and time again Steve Jobs was at the forefront of reinventing the personal computer, MP3 player, cellular phones & much. This success has led to Apple, Inc. being the number 1 profitable company in the world.
Inspirational Motivation These leaders communicate high expectations to their followers While Apple's products have many imitators, culture of innovation isn't something that can be formulaically copied by rivals Pushing themselves to the limit is what has allowed Apple break away from the pack
Intellectual Stimulation These leaders stimulate followers to be creative and innovative Apple offers a wide range of products & services that has allowed them to reach many different audience.
Individualized Consideration These leaders provide a supportive climate in which they listen carefully to the needs of their followers Steve Jobs’ has heard the cries of Apple customers & made products that are easy to use along with unique and supportive applications