AS ART EXAM 2013 Commences 4 th Febraury 2013 Deadline – 6 th May 2013
Select one of the following starting points, and follow the guidance on the sheet provided. You DO NOT have to do what is suggested here… These are simply ideas for each given starting point.
Question 1 – Fabulous Beasts… AO3 – Observation Take own photos and collect images of wild Animals and insects… Present these individually – minimum good photos/images.
Question 1 – Fabulous Beasts… AO3 – Observation Create realistic sketches (quick and various scales) from your photos and first hand… Mount these on large sheets of mountboard and through your sketchbook – aim for 6-8 small loose studies and approx 4 sketchbook pages.
Question 1 – Fabulous Beasts… AO3 – Observation Create highly detailed realistic pieces from your photos – minimum two loose and 4-6 sketchbook pages…
Question 1 – Fabulous Beasts… AO2 – Context (artist research) Create double page research pages in your book on AT LEAST two relevant artists. Create a storyboard on your chosen artist(s)
Suggested artists styles… Franz Marc ( ) Marc was a German expressionist painter. He created bold and colourful images based on wild animals, with an emphasis on colour and simplified shapes. If you progress with Marc… You will explore simplification of your animals, and work on colour mixing and developing images based on wild animals in their natural habitat.
Salvador Dali ( ) Dali is one of the most famous artists of all time. He created dreamlike visions, whereby landscapes came to life, and in focusing on animals, Dali developed great meaning behind his depictions. His work is fantastical and detailed. If you progress with Dali… You will explore creating surreal images, combining animals… You will explore using symbols to portray a meaning, and develop desolate landscapes.
Fantasy Animal Art You could explore hybrid animals, which have been used extensively in fantasy art. If you progress with this aspect, you MUST create your OWN imagery based on your collected photos and images.
Animals in Illustration… You could go down the route whereby you explore how animals are depicted in illustration, and research relevant illustrators. A good example is the Lion, the witch and the wardrobe
Question 1 – Fabulous Beasts… AO1 – Experimentation Using your previous photos and sketches, respond in a personal way to the work of your chosen artist(s) Explore their use of pattern, colour, techniques in your book – minimum of 6 pages Create a minimum of two loose artist style pieces, and any additional photographic edits. Create final piece ideas through your book or on loose sheets. YOU WILL HAVE A FIVE HOUR EXAM, IN WHICH YOU WILL COMPLETE AN ONGOING EXPERIMENTAL PIECE
Question 1 – Fabulous Beasts… AO4 – Final response Put everything together to create an artist inspired final piece. Use all your prior work to assist you in creating this. Any scale and any relevant media may be used.
Question 2 – Shells… AO3 – Observation Take own photos and collect images of seascapes, beach scenes and shells… Present these individually – minimum good photos/images.
Question 2 - Shells… AO3 – Observation Create realistic sketches (quick and various scales) from your photos and first hand… Mount these on large sheets of mountboard and through your sketchbook – aim for 6-8 small loose studies and approx 4 sketchbook pages.
Question 2 – Shells… AO3 – Observation Create highly detailed realistic pieces from your photos – minimum two loose and 4-6 sketchbook pages…
Question 2 – Shells… AO2 – Context (artist research) Create double page research pages in your book on AT LEAST two relevant artists. Create a storyboard on your chosen artist(s)
Suggested artists styles… Anselm Kiefer (born 1945) Kiefer is a German painter and sculptor. He creates massive scale mixed media landscapes and seascapes, combining straw, sand, shells with his paint. If you progress with Kiefer… You will explore developing your work on a massive scale, incorporating shells and other natural materials into your actual painting.
Georgia O Keefe You could explore the work of Georgia O Keefe, who uses shells as inspiration for many of her works. She focuses on the beauty of shells, looking at the gentle colouring and shadows within their forms. You could produce large scale zoomed in studies in her style.
Question 2 – Shells… AO1 – Experimentation Using your previous photos and sketches, respond in a personal way to the work of your chosen artist(s) Explore their use of pattern, colour, techniques in your book – minimum of 6 pages Create a minimum of two loose artist style pieces, and any additional photographic edits. Create final piece ideas through your book or on loose sheets. YOU WILL HAVE A FIVE HOUR EXAM, IN WHICH YOU WILL COMPLETE AN ONGOING EXPERIMENTAL PIECE
Question 2 – Shells… AO4 – Final response Put everything together to create an artist inspired final piece. Use all your prior work to assist you in creating this. Any scale and any relevant media may be used.
Question 4 – Family Gatherings AO3 – Observation Take own photos and collect images of Families together eg. Eating, talking… Also take pics of the aftermath eg, a table after a Meal, also before and during etc…
Question 4 – Family Gatherings AO3 – Observation Create realistic sketches (quick and various scales) from your photos and first hand… Mount these on large sheets of mountboard and through your sketchbook – aim for 6-8 small loose studies and approx 4 sketchbook pages.
Question 4 – Family Gatherings AO3 – Observation Create highly detailed realistic pieces from your photos – minimum two loose and 4-6 sketchbook pages…
Question 4 – Family Gatherings AO2 – Context (artist research) Create double page research pages in your book on AT LEAST two relevant artists. Create a storyboard on your chosen artist(s)
Suggested artists styles… David Burlink In this piece, Burlink depicted an everyday meal time scene. His art is very expressive, with bold and vibrant colours used. You could progress in his style, building up layers of paint to develop vivid depictions from your photographs.
John Bratby ( You could explore the work of Georgia O Keefe, who uses shells as inspiration for many of her works. She focuses on the beauty of shells, looking at the gentle colouring and shadows within their forms. You could produce large scale zoomed in studies in her style.
Question 4 – Family Gatherings AO1 – Experimentation Using your previous photos and sketches, respond in a personal way to the work of your chosen artist(s) Explore their use of pattern, colour, techniques in your book – minimum of 6 pages Create a minimum of two loose artist style pieces, and any additional photographic edits. Create final piece ideas through your book or on loose sheets. YOU WILL HAVE A FIVE HOUR EXAM, IN WHICH YOU WILL COMPLETE AN ONGOING EXPERIMENTAL PIECE
Question 4 – Family Gatherings AO4 – Final response Put everything together to create an artist inspired final piece. Use all your prior work to assist you in creating this. Any scale and any relevant media may be used.