The Bromley-Pensnett Foundation Stage Unit We cater for 3-5 year olds and offer morning or afternoon sessions and a smooth transition through to main school. Why not bring your child for a visit! Please phone the school on and ask for Mrs. Palmer
The Foundation Stage Unit is where children learn from age 3 to 5 years of age.
Our Foundation Stage classroom environment is always changing along with the children’s learning and fascinations. These photos will give you an idea of what it is like, and how we learn in the Foundation Stage Unit.
It is organised so that the children always know where to find things and can be independent.
This is our special meeting place where we come together to celebrate birthdays and special times.
This is the studio
This is our library.
We learn to enjoy and tell stories in lots of ways, with our teachers and with our friends. Sometimes we use puppets, sometimes we use story trays, and sometimes we dress up and act stories out.
There are lots of places to use your imagination, and make up your own ‘pretend’ stories.
There are lots of places to write too.
Playing with sounds and rhythms helps us with reading writing, and learning about pattern and number. Our mums, dads and grandparents often come and join in with rhythm and rhyme time.
There are lots of places to learn about numbers and shape in our Foundation Stage too.
We learn to use instruction booklets.
We also learn how to use real tools safely to mend and make things, and information technology to help us.
We learn how to make healthy things to eat together, like toast, porridge, bread, soup, sandwiches, and fruit kebabs.
In the Foundation Stage we seek to make the most of every opportunity to learn through first hand experiences, so we go outside in all weathers!
There are spare wellies and waterproof suits so that we can have fun learning outdoors whatever the weather.
Sometimes we bring outside things inside to look at them more closely.
We like to plant things and watch them grow.
There are lots of places to use your imagination, and make up your own ‘pretend’ stories.
We have lots of different things to make pictures, patterns and models with.
We learn to do things for ourselves.
We all learn to help to tidy up.
Together we can do things we might not be able to achieve by ourselves.
We learn that sometimes we have to stick at things to learn a new skill.