Peanut Response to Warrant (Acetochlor) E.P. Prostko*, T.L. Grey, and D.L. Jordan
U.S. Planted Acres – 2012 (X 1000) NASS June 29, 2012
The Peanut Weed Control Toolbox 19 active ingredients PPI/PRE Sonalan Prowl/Pendimax Dual Magnum/Generics Outlook/Propel Pursuit Spartan Charge Solicam Strongarm Valor POST Aim (Harvest Aid) Gramoxone Inteon/Firestorm/Parazone Basagran Ultra Blazer Cadre/Impose Classic Cobra Poast/Poast Plus Pursuit Select/Arrow/Trigger Storm 2,4-DB
tested under experimental MON capsule suspension formulation (micro-encapsulated) –3CS Acetochlor + safener = Harness or Surpass –First mention in literature was in 1970 (A new selective herbicide: MON 097, PROC NCWCC 25:56-59) Currently labeled for use in cotton, soybeans, field corn, grain sorghum MOA = 15 –Very long chain fatty acid inhibitor –Same MOA as metolachlor (Dual)
Microencapsulation small herbicide particles surrounded by polymer shell suspended in carrier
Warrant is not Lasso!!!!
Objective To evaluate the tolerance of peanut to various applications of Warrant (acetochlor) under weed-free conditions.
Materials and Methods – I General Small-plot techniques Locations (4) –Georgia Ty Ty, Plains –North Carolina Rocky Mount, Lewiston 4 replications weed-free Irrigated ANOVA –LSD (0.05)
Materials and Methods – II Locations Ty PlainsRocky MountLewiston VarietyGA-06G Champs Soil TypeTifton sand Greenville sandy clay loam Aycock very fine loamy sand Norfolk loamy sand Planting DateMay 9May 19May 10May 2 PPIMay 9 (rototiller) May 19 (rototiller) May 2 (field cultivator – 2X, R/B*) May 2 (field cultivator – 2X, R/B) PREMay 10May 19May 10May 2 EPOSTMay 27 (18 DAP) June 1 (13 DAP) May 31 (21 DAP) May 26 (24 DAP) POSTJune 14 (36 DAP) June 13 (25 DAP) June 15 (36 DAP) June 13 (42 DAP) *R/B = rip and bed
Materials and Methods – III Treatments PPI, PRE, EPOST, POST 3 or 6 pt/A –Dual 1.33 pt/A EPOST –Gramoxone 12 oz/A + 16 oz/A + 3 pt/A or Dual 1.33 pt/A POST 4 oz/A + 3 pt/A or Dual 1.33 pt/A
Influence of PPI Treatments on Peanut Yield (lbs/A) LSD (0.05) Ponder = 354 Plains = NS Rocky Mount = 748 Lewiston = 864
Influence of PRE Treatments on Peanut Yield (lbs/A) LSD (0.05) Ponder = 354 Plains = NS Rocky Mount = 748 Lewiston = %
Influence of EPOST Treatments on Peanut Yield (lbs/A) LSD (0.05) Ponder = 354 Plains = NS Rocky Mount = 748 Lewiston = 864
Influence of POST Treatments on Peanut Yield (lbs/A) LSD (0.05) Ponder = 354 Plains = NS Rocky Mount = 748 Lewiston = %, -8.1%
Influence of EPOST Gramoxone/ Storm on Peanut Yield (lbs/A) LSD (0.05) Ponder = 354 Plains = NS Rocky Mount = 748 Lewiston = %
Influence of POST Cadre Treatments on Peanut Yield (lbs/A) LSD (0.05) Ponder = 354 Plains = NS Rocky Mount = 748 Lewiston = %
Peanut Response to 6 pt/A PPI or PRE Ponder July DAP NTC PPIPRE*
Peanut Response to 6 pt/A EPOST OR POST Ponder July DAP NTC EPOST (18 DAP)POST (36 DAP)*
Summary No yield loss from any treatment at Plains, Rocky Mount, or Lewiston Significant yield loss at Ponder from …… 6 pt/A – PRE and POST ( %) –Dual 1.33 pt/A – POST (8.1%) –Gramoxone Inteon + Storm + Dual Magnum – EPOST (9.6%) –Cadre + Warrant (3 pt/A) – POST (9.7%)