Underwater Ordnance Identification Introduction Underwater Ordnance Identification
Objectives Terminal Objectives 1. COMPREHEND Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) terms, abbreviations and symbols for underwater ordnance identification.
Objectives Enabling Objectives 1. RECOGNIZE terms, abbreviations and symbols for underwater ordnance identification. 2. DESCRIBE to the detail required to comprehend category for live and practice ordnance: Underwater Mines,Torpedoes, Depth Charges, Underwater Sound Signaling Devices, Marine Pyrotechnics. 3. DESCRIBE ordnance to the detail required to comprehend its group. 4. DESCRIBE the basic safety precautions for miscellaneous underwater explosive devices: Underwater Sound Signaling Devices, Marine Pyrotechnics. 5. DESCRIBE the basic safety precautions for drill and practice ordnance. 6. DESCRIBE the general safety precautions for explosive ordnance to the detail required to comprehend its application to the following: Category of ordnance, group of ordnance.
Overview Overview
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines General Information: An underwater mine is an explosive device, which is placed in position to be exploded by a ship-like target and causes worthwhile damage under its intended conditions of firing. They range in explosive weight from 1lb to 3000lbs. When detonated they use the Boyle’s Law effect to sink the target.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines In terms of availability, variety, cost-effectiveness, ease of deployment, and potential impact on joint expeditionary warfare, mines are perhaps the most attractive weapons available to any country determined to prevent U.S. naval forces from achieving sea control and power projection ashore. Because today’s expeditionary forces still have limited capabilities to deal with mines, they constitute a genuine asymmetric threat in the littorals. The number of countries with mines, mining assets, mine manufacturing capabilities, and the intention to export mines has grown dramatically in the last decade. In addition, the types, sophistication, and lethality of the mines available on the world market are rapidly increasing.
Underwater Mines There are seven types of underwater mines
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Moored Mines: Are buoyant mines, primarily contact fired, but influence mines are currently deployed. External shapes are hemispheres or elongated hemispheres, and usually made of steel. Moored mines are connected by a cable to an anchor. Mk-16 Moored Mine Key ID features: Moored mines have anchors with mooring EYES, ARMS or SPINDLES.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Bottom Mines: As the name states, Bottom Mines are mines that remain on the bottom. Most bottom mines are long cylinders with arming devices on the side. Mk-56 Bottom Mine Key ID features: NO mooring eyes, arms, or spindles and transverse fuzing.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Mine case construction: The case contains the explosive charge and all components to ARM, DETECT TARGETS, COUNT SHIPS, and SCUTTLE, STERILIZE, or FIRE the mine. Most mines contain a self-destruct device.
Underwater Mines There are three arming devices: Clock Starters Extenders Arming Devices
Key ID feature: is a small raised lip and a piston. Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Clock starters: Hydrostatically operated device which either starts a clock running or opens and closes circuits to ELECTRICALLY arm the mine. It will be closest item to the electronics package. Soluble washers are used as a mechanical delay. They dissolve in the water allowing hydrostatic pressure to push in on the piston. Key ID feature: is a small raised lip and a piston.
Key ID features: is a large raised lip. Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Extenders: Same as with the clock starters, hydrostatic pressure pushes on a piston to EXPLOSIVELY arm the mine. Key ID features: is a large raised lip.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Arming Device: A Device that incorporates both a clock starter and extender mechanism into one unit.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Firing: Mines can be fired by either direct contact with the target or by sensing various signatures. We will discuss five different firing methods: Contact Pressure Magnetic Seismic Acoustic
Underwater Mines Contact: Three different types. Impact-inertia: Utilizes internal firing devices. No external firing features. Easily confused with buoys.
Underwater Mines Contact Horn: Two types. Chemical: Chemical horns are made of a soft metallic materials (lead). They contain electrolyte vials which when broken allow electrolyte to run between the plates providing electricity to the detonator. Switch: Not much different than a tilt rod.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Switch Chemical
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Galvanic: Saltwater is the electrolyte, the steel hull of the ship is one electrode, and the other is a cable or mine case. When the ship makes contact, it produces a electric charge and fires the mine.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Influence fired mines: Magnetic - Fired from the magnetic signature of a ship or submarine. Current mines uses a combination of Magnetic and Acoustic signatures. Key ID features: will be a smooth or concave tail cover.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Acoustic: Fires from an acoustic signature of a ship or sub. Fires primarily by looking for the intensity and duration of the noise. A straight acoustic fired mine is the most hazardous, hence; (1&3 rule applies) Key ID features: a smooth rubber diaphragm on the tail cover.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Pressure: Fires from a variation of pressures from the ship. Never used alone, must incorporate another firing system. (Mag-Press, Acoustic-Press) Key ID features: Rippled rubber diaphragm.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Seismic: Fires from acoustic signature and vibrations from the target. Seismic Influence Mechanisms are closely related to the Acoustic Influence Mechanism. They respond to low frequency sounds of acoustic energy which travels through the ocean seabed rather than through the water. A geophone is used to sense shaking or vibration through the mine case.
Underwater Mines Safety Precautions for Moored and Bottom mines: HE (High Explosive) FRAG (Fragmentation) EMR (Electromagnetic Resonance) STATIC INFLUENCE
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Destructor: General Information: They are used on land or water, all services use this system. They utilize MK 80 series GPLD bombs. The fuzing is a modified M904 fuze. It’s a aircraft laid mine that starts the arming process upon aircraft release. Firing: When the magnetic level reaches a certain level, or it senses vibration, it fires the bomb.
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Key ID features: The letters DST are stamped on the arming and firing devices. Gold anodized plug in the charging well, gold anodized base plate, green anodized nose fuze. The bomb may have a white reflective strip midway around the body. Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, EMR, STATIC, MAGNETIC, SEISMIC
Underwater Mines Underwater Mines Limpet: Limpet mines are small swimmer placed mines that are attached to ships or other objects by magnets, epoxy, nails, studs, suction cups, or rope. Will usually have a flat surface on one side to mate to the target. Fuzing for limpet mines contain one or more time delay fuze. They are always considered as having an anti-withdrawal or anti-lift device. Limpet mines are designed to disable ships rather than sink them.They are placed on rudders, shafts, props, etc. Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, ANTI-WITHDRAW
Torpedoes Torpedoes Torpedoes: Torpedoes are defined as underwater guided missiles. Torpedoes sections include: Nose: Often contains the guidance equipment. Warhead/Exercise: Contains the HE, exploder or flares for exercise versions. Midbody sections: Contains the fuel or batteries. Propulsion sections: Houses the engines. After body sections: Contains the steering gears and provides mounting for the propellers.
Torpedoes Torpedoes Torpedoes are cylindrical in shape (cigar shape).Torpedoes will vary in diameter (normally 21 inches) and length. Propellers will normally positive ID that it is a torpedo. Torpedoes are grouped as Anti-Ship or Anti-Sub.
Torpedoes Torpedoes Fuzing: Exploders are utilized as fuzes. They are fired from direct contact or influence through magnetic, optical, or acoustic systems. Must consider a torpedo armed if it has experienced water travel. Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, EMR, STATIC, INFLUENCE
Depth Charges Depth Charges Depth Charges: They fall into two groups, Anti-Swimmer or Anti-Submarine They are normally cylindrical in shape, but can be teardrop in shape to increase the sink rate. Fuzing is either installed on the nose or tail covers. They sink then detonate at some point, either by hydrostatic pressure, contact, time delay, or upon registering the proper acoustic or magnetic signature.
Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, EMR, STATIC, INFLUENCE Depth Charges Depth Charges Anti-Swimmer: Designed for use against underwater swimmers. They are small and can shaped made out of metal or plastic. They can use either hydrostatic or electrically armed and fired fuzing or can be time delayed. Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, EMR, STATIC, INFLUENCE
Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, EMR, STATIC, INFLUENCE Depth Charges Depth Charges Anti-Submarine: Cylindrical or elongated in shape and may have stabilization fins, normally large in size. Principal fuzing utilized is contact, hydrostatic pressure, acoustic or magnetic. Fuzing will be on the end, verses bottom mines that are transverse. Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, EMR, STATIC, INFLUENCE
Miscellaneous Underwater Devices Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, C/S Two groups of miscellaneous underwater devices: Underwater Signal Devices: Small explosive devices (normally 1-8 lbs.), launched at sea for the purpose of communicating or ocean graphic survey. General small, fixed fin, cylindrical in shape. Normally they function by the use of a cocked firing pin. Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, C/S
Miscellaneous Underwater Devices Marine Markers: Small explosive and or pyrotechnic device, launched at sea for the purpose of checking wind draft, marking surface location, or emergency signaling. Usually silver or gold anodized or painted white. General cylindrical in shape, may contain red phosphorus, ignited by seawater battery that starts a pyrotechnic candle. Stay up wind when burning markers, the smoke is toxic! Safety Precautions: HE, FRAG, WP, FIRE
Drill and Exercise Ordnance Drill and Exercise Ordnance: Practice, training and drill ordnance exists for nearly all services. They may or may not contain any hazardous components. Safety Precautions: Stay clear of expelling charges!! The smoke is toxic!
Practice Ordnance Test
Summary and Review a. General Information b. Mine Categories c. Moored Mines d. Bottom Mines e. Destructor Mines f. Limpet Mines Torpedoes h. Depth Charges I. Underwater Signal Devices
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