RTSS Spring Workshop, May The Web in Our Libraries and Catalogs: a Cataloging Perspective Bao-Chu Chang Metadata & Cataloging Department NCSU Libraries
RTSS Spring Workshop, May Catalogs and Catalog Use OPAC Portal with A-Z list E-Journals Databases Subject pages Broad subject categories Course-/curriculum-based discipline terms Innovative model of catalog use NCSU’s Endeca-powered catalog RLG’s RedLightGreen
RTSS Spring Workshop, May Cataloging standards and practices Revision of AACR (2002) and MARC Standards Chapter 9: Electronic Resources Chapter 12: Continuing Resources 856 Field: Electronic Location and Access RDA: Resource Description and Access (2008) Non-MARC Metadata Schema, e.g., DC, VRA, LOM FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (1998) Cooperative cataloging training initiatives SCCTP Cataloging of Integrating Resources Workshop LC/ALCTS Rules & Tools for Cataloging Internet Resources
RTSS Spring Workshop, May Workflow and Staff Web-based cataloging tools CORC ( ) Connexion (2002- ) Cataloger’s Desktop Classweb Workflow Blurring lines Rapid cataloging, Just-in-Time maintenance Virtual workflow Staff Web-savvy catalogers Cataloger-turned glorified programmers
RTSS Spring Workshop, May What the future holds … MARC is not dead Federated search Single interface Interoperability Electronic Resources Management System (ERMS) Inventory control Collection analysis Digital repository Hidden/Unique collection Expanded roles of catalogers More access, less description Harvesting metadata Batch loading of vendor supplied catalog records
RTSS Spring Workshop, May “Culture War” within Cataloging LC’s decision on series authority control Karen Calhoun’s paper Indiana University White paper University of California Bibliographic ServicesTask Force report Google Book Search Library Project LC or PCC? Neither?
RTSS Spring Workshop, May Future of Cataloging and Library Catalogs: Suggested Readings (reverse chronological order) “The Changing Nature of the Catalog and its Integration with Other Discovery Tools” by Karen Calhoun (Feb. 2006) “A White paper on the future of cataloging at Indiana University” (Jan. 2006) “Rethinking How We Provide Bibliographic Services for the University of California” by UC Libraries Bibliographic Services Task Force (Dec. 2005) “Future of Cataloging” by Deanna B. Marcum (Jan. 2005) “Change Cataloging, but Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water!” By Barbara Tillett (Nov. 2004)