What are the main subject areas of interest in this film and what are the main themes and ideas being addressed? Could it be said that there are certain key messages and values that underpin the film? You need the ability to be able to stand back from the narrative and attempt to see the film from an objective distance. but we can make it seem to be much more difficult than it actually is. Of course, you need to go further than this and ask in some detail exactly how men and women, or different races, cultures and creeds are represented in any particular film. Do they comply with stereotypical role models, or defy the conventional and challenge social norms in some way? Exactly how are ideas of democracy and freedom being represented and with what relationship to the politics of the real world? Messages & Values
Is this film typical of any particular genre (e.g. sci-fi, horror, action, comedy, musical, road movie) or sub-genre (e.g. dystopia, alien invasion, slasher vampire, zombie)? In what ways is it typical and in what ways is it not typical (or atypical)? Could this film be said to use several genres (hybrid), and if so which ones and why have they been combined in this way? Does it demonstrate the current trend towards hybrid genres? More importantly, how does the chosen genre relate to views and perspectives in society in general, and how does it reflect the period in which it has been made? Genre
How is the story being told: is a narrator used, and if so, why? Does s/he have a marginal or important role in the story itself? What effect does using a narrator or not have on the perspective given to the viewer? How effective is the opening, and what makes it so? How effective is the ending, and what makes it so? Are there clear moments of complication and climax within the film? Could you plot as if on a graph the rising tensions and climaxes of the story? Could you usefully complete a diagram, or diagrams, representing the relationships between characters within the story? Are conventional aspects of storytelling, such as the confrontation between good and evil, or the use of a journey as a narrative device (Titanic as Love Story), being employed? Most importantly, what are the meanings being created for us by the particular narrative structure and devices being employed? Narrative
Mise-en-scène What would be your evaluation of the performances of the actors? Are the characters created complex or simple to understand? Is their motivation clear? Are they rounded and complex, or flat and stereotypical? What is the social status of each character and how dominant are they? Does their use of language reflect their character? What tone or attitude does each character adopt? What ideas or feelings are being expressed? What can you tell about the character from the body language and delivery of lines? How long does each person speak and what does this tell us (in different circumstances it could convey different things) What is the significance of costume in particular scenes? Does it help to convey character and/or oppositions? Does it operate to mark out particular groups? Is it used simply to suggest period and place? Are the costumes wonderfully authentic but actually used to little effect in terms of conveying meaning to the audience?
Are there any significant uses of props? Are there any props used in such a way as to become recurring images? Do the props remind us of themes or ideas in the film, or tell us something about character? How is the setting or location used? Is it used to create a sense of realism? Is it used to create mood? Is it used to create a sense of certain states of mind or feelings? Is it used to stand for, or symbolically represent, other things?
Cinematography Are there any scenes or single shots in which you think the camerawork has been particularly effective? If so, how and why do you believe it to be successful? What significance do particular shots or camera movements have in terms of creating meaning for us? (Referring to particular shots and scenes to illustrate meaning in this way will be a key skill.) What is the significance of the lighting in particular scenes? Are some scenes particularly light or dark? If so, why? How is shadow being used? Is it being used in particular ways in relation to particular characters?.
Sound Do any extracts from the dialogue seem to be especially important? In what ways might these lines be seen to be significant? Why have particular words or phrases been chosen? Are sound effects used simply to create a sense of place, or do they in some way contribute towards meaning over and above this? What is the significance of the music chosen for particular scenes? How does it work to contribute to the creation of meaning? Is it diegetic or non- diegetic, and what difference does this make?
Editing Is the pace of the editing in particular scenes giving us images that are flashing quickly before us, or images that we are able to survey in a leisurely way? Why has this style been chosen? How do the shots as they are structured into sequences via editing work to create meaning? Is the manner in which one shot follows another used in such a way as to allow one to comment on the other? Which images are stressed? Why? Are there repetitions of certain visual images, or parallels between individual shots or sequences?