Mrs. Ching By: Claire Rimerman
Country Of Origin South China South China
Childhood/young Adulthood As a child, Mrs. Ching did not live the best life. She resided along the coastal waters of the South China Sea. Mrs. Ching worked along-side men, fishing, trading, and pirating. Mrs. Ching then went on as a prostitute who married a pirate. Her husband organized a group of pirates that eventually reached up to over 50,000 pirates. They would ransack ships, however they would leave the lands alone. Mrs. Chings husband died in 1807 and she thus fore took over. As a child, Mrs. Ching did not live the best life. She resided along the coastal waters of the South China Sea. Mrs. Ching worked along-side men, fishing, trading, and pirating. Mrs. Ching then went on as a prostitute who married a pirate. Her husband organized a group of pirates that eventually reached up to over 50,000 pirates. They would ransack ships, however they would leave the lands alone. Mrs. Chings husband died in 1807 and she thus fore took over.
Piracy Run-In’s! While ashore Mrs. Ching had her fair share encounters with other pirates. She usually just robbed them and left. One very interesting affair she had with another pirate was a young man by the name of Chang Pio. Chang Pio was Mrs. Chings dead husbands son. Mrs. Ching and Chang Pio later got married and had kids. While ashore Mrs. Ching had her fair share encounters with other pirates. She usually just robbed them and left. One very interesting affair she had with another pirate was a young man by the name of Chang Pio. Chang Pio was Mrs. Chings dead husbands son. Mrs. Ching and Chang Pio later got married and had kids.
Trouble Ahoy! Fleets were send from the Chinese Imperial Navy to handle the problem piracy was starting to become. But they were no match for Mrs. Ching and her fellow pirates. In total by 1808 the Navy had lost 63 vessels due to piracy. Fleets were send from the Chinese Imperial Navy to handle the problem piracy was starting to become. But they were no match for Mrs. Ching and her fellow pirates. In total by 1808 the Navy had lost 63 vessels due to piracy. One captured officer was taken and nailed to Mrs. Ching’s deck and beaten until he vomitted. One captured officer was taken and nailed to Mrs. Ching’s deck and beaten until he vomitted. In fear of being captured, Admiral Kwo Lang committed suicide upon capture. In fear of being captured, Admiral Kwo Lang committed suicide upon capture. In 1809 Mrs. Ching and her pirates beheaded 80 men from the Sanshan village. They also abducted their women and kids and sold most of them into slavery. In 1809 Mrs. Ching and her pirates beheaded 80 men from the Sanshan village. They also abducted their women and kids and sold most of them into slavery. Later in 1810 Mrs. Ching retired from piracy and went forth to live a wealthy women's life. Later in 1810 Mrs. Ching retired from piracy and went forth to live a wealthy women's life.
Pirate Code of Conduct "The Captain or any other Officer is allowed no more [food] than another man, nay, the Captain cannot keep his Cabin to himself." "The Captain or any other Officer is allowed no more [food] than another man, nay, the Captain cannot keep his Cabin to himself."
Bibliography Vallar, Cindy. "Pirates & Privateers: The History of Maritime Piracy - Cheng I Sao." Thistles & Pirates Web. 02 Mar Vallar, Cindy. "Pirates & Privateers: The History of Maritime Piracy - Cheng I Sao." Thistles & Pirates Web. 02 Mar Koerth, Maggie. "Most Successful Pirate Was Beautiful and Tough - CNN." Featured Articles from CNN. 27 Aug Web. 02 Mar Koerth, Maggie. "Most Successful Pirate Was Beautiful and Tough - CNN." Featured Articles from CNN. 27 Aug Web. 02 Mar "Famous Women Pirates." ELIZABETHAN ERA. Web. 02 Mar "Famous Women Pirates." ELIZABETHAN ERA. Web. 02 Mar Note: ALL IMAGES FROM Note: ALL IMAGES FROM