Les Couleurs
WALT Recognise, read and write adjectives of colour in French. By the end of today’s lesson we will be able to: Recognise, read and write adjectives of colour in French.
All nouns in French are either masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns un livre un stylo un cahier un taille crayons un crayon un feutre un sac Feminine nouns une règle une trousse une gomme une calculette une feuille
In English we use colours as adjectives before a noun eg:- a yellow pencil, a red book, a blue pen un crayon jaune un livre rouge un stylo bleu In French we use colours as adjectives after a noun.
C'est de quelle couleur? C'est un cahier bleu.
C'est de quelle couleur? C'est un stylo violet.
C'est de quelle couleur? C'est un sac rose.
C'est un taille crayon jaune. C'est de quelle couleur? C'est un taille crayon jaune.
C'est de quelle couleur? C'est un feutre vert.
C'est de quelle couleur? C'est un crayon noir.
C'est de quelle couleur? C'est un livre blanc.
What do you notice in these sentences? C'est sac vert.
C'est une gomme blanche.
C'est une calculatrice bleue.
C'est une feuille violette.
C'est une trousse grise.
C'est une calculatrice noire.
They describe feminine nouns. The words for these colours have changed? Why do you think these words are different? They describe feminine nouns. These are the colour words which change with a feminine noun. NOIRE BLEUE BLANCHE VIOLETTE VERTE GRISE
With a partner, can you think of a rule for deciding how and when to change the colour word? These are rules. When referring to a feminine noun, add an e unless the word already ends in e Exceptions: violette blanche No agreement when the adjective of colour is named after a fruit, orange marron (chestnut)
2. I have a green pencil case. J’ai une trousse ______________. Remember the agreement rules and complete the following sentences in your jotter. Write the sentences in English and French. 1. I have a blue pen. J’ai un stylo ________. 2. I have a green pencil case. J’ai une trousse ______________. 3. I have a yellow felt tip pen. J’ai un feutre ___________ 4. I have a white back pack. J’ai un sac _____________ 5. I have a white rubber. J’ai une gomme _____________. Write another 3 sentences of your own, in English and in French.
WALT In French, adjectives of colour are written after the noun. Today we have learned that: In French, adjectives of colour are written after the noun. Colour adjectives agree gender with the noun they describe. There are rules to help us remember how and when to do this. We can use these rules