Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry 29 May 2002 Project Manager Soldier Weapons LTC Gil Brown Project Manager Soldier Weapons (Acting)
PEO Soldier OrganizationPEO Soldier Organization Small Arms TransformationSmall Arms Transformation ProgramsPrograms ScorecardScorecard Contract opportunitiesContract opportunities Future programsFuture programs Future Integration ChallengesFuture Integration Challenges Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry (APBI) Agenda
Business Management Systems Engineering DPEO Soldier System Coordinator/ System Integrator Program Executive Office Soldier Program Executive Officer Soldier Dir Science & Technology Project Manager Soldier Weapons Project Manager Soldier Systems Business Mgt Division Readiness Mgt Division Business Mgt Division DPM Soldier Systems DPM Soldier Weapons PM Soldier Electronics PM Soldier Equipment PM Aircrew Integrated Systems PM Soldier Support APM Soldier Power APM Soldier Future APM Soldier Integration APM OCSW Systems Engineering Division PM Small Arms PM OICW APM Integration Systems Engineering Division
Reorganization Placement of PM Soldier Weapons, PM Small Arms and PM OICW under PEO Soldier is a major advantage for support of the soldier Small Arms are a product line that is inherently soldier focused Establishment of the PEO Soldier will structurally establish a high level of visibility for key programs such as Small Arms and OICW within the Department of the Army Placement of Soldier Systems and Soldier Weapons in the same organization greatly facilitates integration of all elements used by the individual soldier Interaction between all organizational elements is improved
Spin-off technologies to the Legacy Force Mk19 Legacy Systems Objective Crew Served Weapon (OCSW) And Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW) Objective Weapons Interim Force Responsive Deployable Agile Versatile Lethal Survivable Sustainable M4/M16 MWS M68 and M145 OpticsM249/M240B Top Cover & Fwd Rails CROWS M9 M16/M4/ M203 M249 M240B M2 Small Arms Transformation
PM Small Arms Programs R&D Programs Production Programs Weapons & Associated Hardware 1. XM107, Semi Automatic Long Range Sniper Rifle B. Galeazzi Medium Machinegun, M240B J. Glenn 2. CROWS Remote Mount C. Topolski 23. Modular Weapon System/M4RAS-M5RAS) T. Miskovich 3. Combat Ammo Pack (CAP ) for the M240B J. Glenn 24. M203A1 MWO Kit T. Miskovich 4. XM192, Light Weight Ground Mount for MG J. Glenn 25. Machinegun Optics Program/M145 S. Sudol/T.Houtsma 5. Bipod Handguard for the M249 P. Sabia 26. Stabilized Binoculars/(M25) P. Errante 6. Barrel Life Extension for the M249 P. Sabia 27. MK19 GMG D. Ahmad Weight Reduction Program for M240B S. Sudol 28. M16A4 Rifle/M16A4 T. Miskovich Grenade Launcher Rail System for M203 T. Vass 29. M249 Automatic Rifle/Light Machinegun/M249 P. Sabia Enhanced M2 Cal.50 Machine Gun D. Ahmad 30. M4 Carbine/M4 T. Miskovich Collapsible buttstock for M249 Machine Gun P. Sabia 31. Backup Iron Sights for Flat Top Receivers (for M- 16/M-4) T. Miskovich 11. 9mm pistol rail system for M9 T. Vass 32. Short Squad Automatic Weapon (ECP) P. Sabia 12. XM116, Sight, Computerized, Small Arms Fire Control S. Sudol/T. Houtsma 33. M68, Close Combat Optic S. Sudol 34. Sniper Accessory Kit/ECP (for M24) B. Galeazzi AMMO R&D PROGRAMS AMMO PRODUCTION PROGRAMS 13. XM95, Muzzle Launched Ordnance P. Mistry 14. XM1022, Long Range Tactical Sniper Cartridge G Hudson 35. M995, 5.56mm Armor Piercing R. Zienowicz XM100, Rifle Launched Entry Munition (RLEM) (WRAP) P. Mistry 36. M993, 7.62mm Armor Piercing R. Zienowicz 16. XM1037, Short Range Training Round for M249 R. Zienowicz 37. M84, Stun Grenade James Chang 17. XM1041/XM1042, Close Combat Mission Capability Kit G Hudson 38. M903/M962, Cal.50 SLAP/SLAPT, R. Zienowicz 18. XM102, Reloadable Fuze for M84 J. Chang 39. M1012/M1013, 12 Gauge Non Lethal Point & Crowd Control G. Hudson 19. Hand Thrown Sting Ball Grenade J. Chang 40. M973/M974, 7.62 Short Range Training Ammo G. Hudson Gauge Extended Range Non Lethal Cartridge * G. Hudson 41. M1006, Non-Lethal 40mm Round P. Mistry 21. DUD Reducing 40MM M430A1 R. Zienowicz M1001, 40mm Canister Round R. Zienowicz 43. M1029, 40MM, Crowd Dispersal Cartridge P. Mistry ACAT III Programs *FY03 SEP New Start
Office of the Product Manager Small Arms Scorecard MSIII/TC- STANDARD
Office of the Product Manager Small Arms Future Contract Actions
Future Programs FY04 Soldier Enhancement Program (SEP) Cycle: The SEP cycle begins in mid summer. It is a key process through which enhancements and new systems can be provided to the soldier rapidly. Input to this process from all areas is critical to provide the soldiers with the items that they need. Technological Areas of Interest NANO Technology Advanced Shaped Charges/EFP’s Advanced Non-Lethal Systems Robotic Vehicle Armament Composite Materials
Future Integration Challenges M249 with Alternate Mounting Surfaces M 240B with HMMWV MOUNT XM6 Pedestal w M197 Mount MODULAR WEAPON SYSTEM COMMON REMOTELY OPERATED WEAPON STATION (CROWS) Mk19 with Sight, Computerized, Small Arms Fire Control, XM116 IAV GFE
PM Soldier Weapons Questions?