Frank Chang I Wen Chang David Jimenez
What is Violence Intentional use physical force or threatened against a person or a group that either caused physical harm or psychological harm or both. o Slapping Game
Why Media Violence Important Became messages to people Became a motto or part of culture Violence – the only solution DIpghttp:// DIpg 5:30
What’s Next? Passive Violence Violence in Television Violence in Music Violence in Website Active Violence Violence in Video Game
Television Violence - Facts In 1950, 10% of American homes had a TV. Today 99% of homes have TVs. Over half of all children have a TV set in their bedrooms. Children watch approx. 28 hours of television a week > than the time in school Watched > 200,000 acts of violence including >16,000 murders before age 18. TV programs display Average 800 violence act /hour and average 20 violence act in children’s Cartoon/hour 2:00
How Television affect Children Very young children will imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers. Children are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy, and may view violence as an ordinary occurrence.
Music Violence Increase aggression related thoughts and motions. Violent Song Experiment Results: Aggressive interpretations of ambiguously aggressive words. Increase the relatives speed with which people read aggressive vs. nonaggressive words. Increase the proportion of word fragments that were filled in to make aggressive words. Increase feeling of hostility without provocation or threat. Increase violence feeling lead to real world violence 1:30
Internet Violence Access to Pornography- Adult entertainment is the largest industry on the Internet Inappropriate Content- Children can read inappropriate content through the uncensored environment of the Internet. Violence Flash Games – A lot of killing games out there on internet, and children can easily access to it.
No shortage of virtual violence nMRWJ-0 1:00 nMRWJ-0
Known inappropriate occurrences killing of people and animals Drug and alcohol abuse Criminal behavior Sexual exploitation and misconduct Racial and sexual stereotypes Language
Effects and outcomes related to violent video games Independent tests have shown that video games are correlated to increased aggression Cause young people to become desensitized Video games are time consuming They cause decline in school performance Prevent exercise, which leads to weight gain
Regulation, The Entertainment Software Rating Board Early Childhood (EC): Content should be suitable for children 3 years and older and contain no objectionable material. Everyone (E): Content suitable for persons ages 6 and older. The game may contain minimal violence and some "comic mischief.“ Teen (T): Content suitable for persons ages 13 and older. Content is more violent than (E) rating and contains mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes.
ESRB cont. Mature (M): Content suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Content definitely has more mature sexual themes, intense violence and stronger language. Adults Only (AO): Content suitable only for adults and may contain graphic sex and/or violence. Adult Only products are not intended for persons under the age of 18. Rating Pending (RP): Game has been submitted to the ESRB and is awaiting a final rating.
A closer look Correlation does not imply causation It is difficult to tell if video games make children aggressive, or if aggressive children seek out violent video games Average gamer age is 35, has been playing for 12 ys 40% of gamers are women 25% of gamers are over 50
A closer look cont. Violence in adolescents has decreased as computers and game consoles have increased in popularity Brown v. EMA allows children to purchase violent video games Protected freedom of speech, but ultimately encourages parental control
Solution and Advise Watch movies and TV with your children Know what kind the video game your children were playing Talk to your children and understand what’s in their mind Be active and play sport with children
Reference and Questions? _games_playing_with_violence _games_playing_with_violence 03/health/ games-game-genres?_s=PM:HEALTH 03/health/ games-game-genres?_s=PM:HEALTH dont-cause-children-to-be-violent dont-cause-children-to-be-violent violent-video-games-affect-kids violent-video-games-affect-kids