Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope Zak Staniszewski (Case)
Berkeley: William Holzapfel Adrian Lee Helmuth Spieler Sherry Cho Bradford Benson Huan Tran Martin Lueker Jared Mehl Tom Plagge Dan Schwan Erik Shirokoff University of Chicago: John Carlstrom (P.I) Steve Padin (Proj. Manager, yr1 winter) Stephan Meyer Clem Pryke Tom Crawford Jeff McMahon Clarence Chang Kathryn Miknaitis Joaquin Vieira Ryan Keisler Lindsey Bleem Abigail Crites Year 2 winterovers: Keith Vanderlinde Dana Hrubes Case: John Ruhl Tom Montroy Zak Staniszewski (Me, yr1 Winterover) Wenyang Lu Harvard Smithsonian: Antony Stark UIUC: Joe Mohr Colorado: Nils Halverson McGill: Matt Dobbs Gil Holder Trevor Lanting JPL: Erik Leitch UC Davis: Lloyd Knox Jason Dick Berkeley: William Holzapfel Adrian Lee Helmuth Spieler Sherry Cho Bradford Benson Huan Tran Martin Lueker Jared Mehl Tom Plagge Dan Schwan Erik Shirokoff University of Chicago: John Carlstrom (P.I) Steve Padin (Proj. Manager, yr1 winter) Stephan Meyer Clem Pryke Tom Crawford Jeff McMahon Clarence Chang Kathryn Miknaitis Joaquin Vieira Ryan Keisler Lindsey Bleem Abigail Crites Year 2 winterovers: Keith Vanderlinde Dana Hrubes
What is SPT 10 meter telescope At South Pole CMB telescope 90,150, 220 GHz – WMAP(20-90) 1 arcminute resolution
SPT optics features 10 meter off axis Gregorian design 1 meter cold secondary mirror Paneled primary mirror micron primary, micron secondary (current) Warm receiver cabin
Science with SPT Dark Energy – Cluster survey High ell power spectrum Cluster science – Tracing Baryons Point sources – Learn astronomy – Help Planck Unresolved sources may bias non- Gaussianity result
SPT Primary goal DN/DZ with clusters G. Holder in Ruhl et al 2004
The Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect
Design considerations focal plane Measured SZ spectrum of A2163
SPT observing regions – Observed SPT regions in Magenta – First year results only from green BCS 5Hr field. – *BCS optical data in green – First results are only from one small green region
We find clusters! Known cluster from REFLEX survey
First Galaxy clusters discovered with the SZ effect!!! - First Clusters ever discovered with the SZE -First SPT results paper out just 2 months ago
Three new discoveries First clusters discovered with an SZ survey!!! All confirmed by optical follow up Two near redshift 0.8
Optical confirmation from BCS
You should be excited We want Dn/Dz Remember, these are only our slam dunk cluster candidates Only from 40 square degrees. We currently have 200 square degrees – Second 100 sq degree field is deeper Better processing and cluster finding – Map processing studies – Utilize 90, 220 GHz for a multi frequency filter In two years we should have both 90 and 150 to equal the same sensitivity in ~1000 square degrees.
SPT Science High el CMB Reichardt et al 2008 ACBAR 2008 Projected SPT W. Hu from Ruhl et al 2004
More on power spectrum Could constrain n s Lensing, v in the future Need good calibration Hu (2001)
Absolute calibration HII regions – RCW 38, MAT5a – Integrate RCW38 flux and compare to ACBAR or Boomerang WMAP – Dedicate ~20 hours to look at 500 sq. MAT5a
SZ image of Bullet Cluster z = hours of observation ~ 20 K RMS per 60” pixel SZ emission radial profile r 500 = 1.6 Mpc; 500 = 5.4’; 200 = 8.6’ Significant signal seen at > 12’ radius Model shown is =.87, c=1.8 (very well constrained)
Targeted program Where are the baryons How does SZ flux scale with mass 25 massive clusters observed Some relaxed clusters
20 SED of SMG SPT SCUBA Credit: Blain, Smail, Ivison, Kneib, & Frayer 2002
Point sources
Conclusion Expect variety of result papers soon. dn/dz from cluster survey on its way – ACT,APEX,Planck as well Planck’s beam a bit too big High ell power spectrum – Ns, neutrinos, lensing Cluster science, missing baryons Emerging point source field – Also help Planck Polarization receiver in 2-3 years – High ell polarization
Thank You