Living as the people of God – knowing who you are Ex.19:1-6; 1 Pet.2: Gods great salvation – Ex.19:3,4; 20:1,2; 1Pet.2:9,10; Eph.2:1-10 a. We need someone to rescue us – Ex.1-19; Dt.1-4; Eph.2:1-10 b. Gods grace rescues us & provides all we need to live as his people Christian – a sinner saved by grace
2. Gods amazing call – Ex.19:5,6 1 Pet.2:9 We are saved to be:- a.Gods special treasure – Dt.7:6-9 - to know God as Father - to explore the riches of his grace –Eph.2:7 b. A holy people - the 10 commandments display God - obeying them shows Gods character – Ex.19:5,6; Dt.4:6-8 Christian – a saint / holy one
c. Priests In the O.T. the priests:- 1.Represented the people before God 2.Brought God to the people – the law In the N.T. all Christians are priests to:- 1.Bring people to God a. Telling them of Jesus b. Praying for them 2. Bringing God before people – following Gods commands
3. Implications The Christian should always know they are:- a.A sinner saved by grace - rescuing grace - empowering grace – Rom.8:4 - forgiving grace – 1 John 1:9 b. A chosen person - to love God & know His love – Eph.3:17f - to love others as we love ourselves
b. A chosen person We have been chosen for the sake of others To live differently so we can better serve them. Keeping Gods commands:- 1.Displays a rich/full life 2.Is only possible for saved people 3.Is powerful evangelistically
REMEMBER 1.Who you are - a sinner saved by grace - a chosen person 2. What you will be one day Be like the chameleon!