Researching English-speaking Youth: A Contribution of the Observatory Youth and Society to the Health and Social Services Sector Marie-Odile Magnan Observatory Youth and Society (INRS) & Laval University CHSSN: Conference 2006
Outline 1) Research on English-speaking youth at the Observatory Youth and Society (INRS) 2) Audience targeted and knowledge transfer 3) Contribution to the research framework of “health and social services and Quebec’s English-speaking communities” 4) Research to be developed at the Observatory Youth and Society
Research at the Observatory Youth and Society (OYS) The Research Group on Youth Migration (Madeleine Gauthier, head of the OYS, et al.): –Has repeated its survey in on young adults (20 to 34) living in the province: francophones aboriginals immigrants anglophones (*funded by the Community Table & Heritage Canada)
Research at the Observatory Youth and Society The themes covered were the following: Non-migrants Departure from the family home Integration to the first place they moved in Perception of the future of their place or region of origin Evaluation of actual situation : place where they moved, professional insertion, financial situation, civic participation, network, etc. Return to the place of origin Reasons for leaving the province
Research at the Observatory Youth and Society The Research Group on Youth Migration is composed of: –Professors, post-doctoral researchers and students from 8 Quebec universities, 2 Ontario Universities, associates from other countries and different partners such as the Director of the CeDeC Québec/Chaudière- Appalaches (Lisa Kennedy)
Research at the Observatory Youth and Society The Research Group on Youth Migration is part of a Community-University Research Alliance (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada): –The research group is thus working in partnership with community groups and governmental officers; –and has the mandate to transfer knowledge.
Research at the Observatory Youth and Society Postdoctoral Research (Annie Pilote): –Political socialization of linguistic minority youth –Comparative study on the identity of students in Anglophone High Schools in Quebec and students in a Francophone High School in New-Brunswick –Literature review on English education in Quebec (in partnership with the ICRML) –Inventory of multilingual employability resources in the Quebec region (in partnership with the CeDeC Québec/Chaudières-Appalaches)
Research at the Observatory Youth and Society Doctoral Research (Marie-Odile Magnan): –Study on the identity and retention of young anglophones and young francophones in the province of Quebec –A comparison between Montreal and Quebec City will be explored –Methodology: qualitative in-depth interviews and the Research Group on Youth Migration quantitative study
Research at the Observatory Youth and Society Conclusion: –A field of research on linguistic minority youth, migration and identity is developing at the Observatory Youth and Society. We are in the process of preparing a collective book on the identity of linguistic minority youth from Canada and Brazil (under the direction of Annie Pilote and Sílvio Marcus de Souza Correa from the Santa Cruz do Sul University)
Audience and Knowledge transfer Audiences: –Academics –Community groups –Governmental groups Knowledge transfer: –Academic conferences and publications –Scientific popularization: conferences, publications, media participation, etc.
Contribution to the research framework of “health and social services” Research at the Observatory Youth and Society touches upon: –Social networks –Education –Social environments: civic, community and demographic vitality –Culture
Research to be developed at the OYS Studying English-speaking youth as social agents: –Political participation of English-speaking youth –Values of English-speaking youth –Vocational integration of English-speaking youth (in cities, regions, etc) –Etc.
Available Publications Magnan, M.-O. (2005), Facteurs de rétention des Anglo- Québécois : Étude de cas de deux générations de la région de Québec, mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval, Québec. Magnan, M.-O. (2005), under the direction of Gauthier M., « To Stay or Not to Stay » : Migrations of Young Anglo-Quebecers. Literature Review, Montreal, INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société. Magnan, M.-O. (2004), « ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?’ Reste-t-il des jeunes anglophones au Québec? », dans M. Venne (dir.), L’Annuaire du Québec 2005, p
Publications: Coming Soon Magnan, M.-O., Gauthier, M. et Côté S. (2006), La migration des jeunes au Québec : Résultats d’un sondage auprès des anglophones de ans, Montréal, INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société. Gauthier M. et al. (2006), La migration des jeunes au Québec : Résultats d’un sondage auprès des Québécois de ans, Montréal, INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société.
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