AdOwl Web Based Ad Order Entry System
Features and Functionality Easy to use!!! Available 24x7 Flexible and easy to define rates, packages and upsells Flexible composition and WYSIWYG ad taking Real-time credit card authorizations and payments Easy to use!!! Available 24x7 Flexible and easy to define rates, packages and upsells Flexible composition and WYSIWYG ad taking Real-time credit card authorizations and payments
Easy to Use interface Tabbed interface lets customer go back easily to change selections. Confirmation shows currently selected options Tabbed interface lets customer go back easily to change selections. Confirmation shows currently selected options
Flexible Categories Easily modified by newspaper Each category has its own site definable template Easily modified by newspaper Each category has its own site definable template
Flexible rate packages Easily modified by newspaper Easily create specials Packages can be defined to be available for specific categories Easily modified by newspaper Easily create specials Packages can be defined to be available for specific categories
Flexible scheduling Easily modified by newspaper Scheduling is controlled by the package chosen Flexible deadline control by day of the week. Understands available publication dates Easily modified by newspaper Scheduling is controlled by the package chosen Flexible deadline control by day of the week. Understands available publication dates
Wizards help build ads Easily modified by newspaper Admin system allows newspaper to create templates for ads. Templates are defined by Category of ad – create templates for Real Estate, Auto, Employment, etc… Easily modified by newspaper Admin system allows newspaper to create templates for ads. Templates are defined by Category of ad – create templates for Real Estate, Auto, Employment, etc…
Flexible Upsells Easily modified by newspaper Define your own misc. fees and upsell opportunities. Easily modified by newspaper Define your own misc. fees and upsell opportunities.
WYSIWYG Preview Close approx of newspaper look and line count Show borders, font changes, logos and other upsells Close approx of newspaper look and line count Show borders, font changes, logos and other upsells
Flexible Payment Options Real-time credit card authorization Charge card immediately or pre-authorize the charge and complete the charge when you accept the ad. Real-time credit card authorization Charge card immediately or pre-authorize the charge and complete the charge when you accept the ad.
Flexible Admin System Define Fields required for each type of ad. Flexible templating system to help build ads. Define Fields required for each type of ad. Flexible templating system to help build ads.
Define Up-sells Define upsells that are available and assign rates and styles
Define Rates Easily create formula based rates. Choose which rates are available for specific categories Define which upsells are available for each rate package. Easily create formula based rates. Choose which rates are available for specific categories Define which upsells are available for each rate package.