Aim: How did political life in Sparta differ from Athens? Do Now: Copy the vocabulary into your notebook: *Citizen- member of a state or nation *Oligarchy- Type of government where power lies in the hands of a few people *Democracy-Political power lies in the hands of the people or citizens *Totalitarian-Dictatorship *Rhetoric-Public debate *Assembly- law making group
Motivation Students will read documents 1 and 2 and answer the questions that follow
Bonus / Extra Credit If you complete the “Create your own City-State” worksheet activity, it may be used for extra credit or to replace a missing assignment/homework.
Group work Students will work in pairs One students will read the section on Athens and fill out the graphic organizer One student will read the section on Sparta and fill out the graphic organizer After both students are finished, they will then compare their findings
Athens Democratic Athens (450 BC) Athens had a system of government in which every citizen could participate in government directly, by voting on issues brought before them (DEMOCRACY) Only a small minority were citizens – women and slaves were not considered citizens Athens establishes the pattern for later Western democracies The Age of Pericles, the Golden Age of Athens
Sparta Totalitarian Sparta – all parts of life: economic, social, political, religious, and educational are controlled by the state Life was organized around military needs = militaristic state Military strength and rule by just a few people, land owners and nobility = aristocracy The majority of Spartans had no say in the government Individualism and new ideas were discouraged Did not promote individual freedom in the arts and sciences and thus it had little impact on western European history Weak infants were left to die