“What are triggers for student engagement” Brian P. Godor Avans Hogeschool
Identifying Engagement Types What is Engagement? How does it differ among programs? How does it differ among years? What next?
Engagement The amount of “physical” and “psychological” energy that the student devotes to the academic experience.
Engagement Types and Triggers Future Career Orientation Practiced Based Increases the chance that students will be able to link participation in the educational activities (present behaviour) with their own future goals (future intrinsic goal framing). Vocational Strategic Approach Quality of Program Organizational Issues In the literature, an academic approach to studying as defined in this study is generally related to a superficial or surface approach to studying Academic Level of Challenge Personal Interest Students will frame their goals in intrinsic motivators (personal interests) and thus be more likely to adopt a deep-approach to learning. Personal Social Aspects Validation Teacher and Support Extrinsic motivating factors are perceived as controlling and thus making it more difficult to link these goals to the individual’s goals. External
Specific Engagement Triggers
Dutch Student Population vs. International Student Population
Specific Academies
Engagement Triggers over the study years
Model of Persistence
THEORY OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT Focus less on what teachers do and more on what the student does More concerned with the behavioral mechanisms or processes that facilitate student development Educators are competing with other forces in the student’s life for a share of that finite time and energy Every institutional policy and practice can affect the way students spend their time and the amount of effort The extent to which students reach this goal is a direct function of the time they spend in productive learning activities
Just imagine… Our students.. have a higher sense of being part of the classroom discourse (Reid & Solomonides, 2007) less likely to prematurely exit higher education (Kuh, et al, 2008) feel a greater sense of pride and satisfaction (Skinner & Belmont, 1993) more likely to employ a deep approach to their learning (Horstmanshof & Zimitat, 2007, Jansen & Bruinsma, 2005) and are more successful in their latter years of study (Severiens & Schmidt, 2009)
Identifying Engagement Types What is Engagement? How does it differ among programs? How does it differ among years? What next?
“What are triggers for student engagement” Brian P. Godor Avans Hogeschool