Save Energy
Ad Placement The best place to put up this ad is by busy roads or near big cities where there is lots of foot and vehicle traffic. The more people that notice the ad, the better. The exact spot placed won't really matter, but as long as it is noticed by many. So it can be placed near freeways or in a shopping mall that has lots of people.
Save Energy The main goal of the ad is to get people to save energy by switching to fluorescent light bulbs from incandescent. The top two pictures represent a house with a bathroom, bedroom, living and dinning room. On the left picture, only one room is lit, and the right picture has all four rooms lit. This shows that with the same exact watts an incandescent takes, fluorescent can light up four times as much. The ad will be very simple with just the four main elements all in just black with a white or soft color background and the ad billboard could be as big as the ones seen on freeways. The target audience could be everybody. Anybody seeing this would want to switch to fluorescent bulbs and save lots of energy. But it will mostly be in the late 20s and upwards age group.