Seite 1 Version United Internet Media AG Significant Increase of Efficiency and Reach with TGP ® Compared campaign planning for a target group women aged years interested in health with a budget of each 100,000 Euro Source: AGOF internet facts 2008-III, Planning Tool TOP Results including targeting wastage Target Group CPM reduced by a multiple using TGP ® Reach tripled with constant budget by using TGP ®
Seite 2 Version United Internet Media AG TGP ® -Campaigns are more effective and efficient Average increase of advertising impact and return on investment using TGP ® Source: Media Research United Internet Media, average growthrates from UIM-case studies on advertising impact of TGP® ROI based on increase of advertising impact vs. employed budget A multitude of case studies shows: TGP ® -Campaigns achieve a higher advertising impact ROI: advertising effect per employed Euro increases significantly
Seite 3 Version United Internet Media AG Case Study – Campus by Marc OPolo Customer: Marc OPolo Industry: Textiles Media agency: handled directly by client Duration of campaign: – Target group: WEB.Milieu Smart Independents WEB.Milieu Young Explorers Raise classic advertising parameters such as awareness and advertising recall. Furthermore to increase traffic at the Campus online shop by Marc O'Polo. Customer Creatives and Targeting for this campaign Leaderboard + MPU WEB.Milieu Smart Independents WEB.Milieu Young Explorers ObjectiveRealisation
Seite 4 Version United Internet Media AG Marc O'Polo was able to visibly increase awareness, sympathy and advertising recall for its Campus brand with TGP target groups Smart Independents and Young Explorers by accurately addressing the trend conscious, online affine portal users with WEB.Milieus TM. Furthermore, the campaign resulted in a significant increase in all of the image characteristics. Case Study – Campus by Marc OPolo - Results Results Increase Rate of Awareness, Sympathy and Recall with WEB.Milieu Sympathy Prompted Awareness 7.0 % 16.9 % 14.0 % 20.8 % 0 % 10 % 20 % … 50 % % + 49 % Advertising Recall 49.4 % 66.2 % + 34 % 60 % 70 % Reference Point Final Level WEB.Milieu Reference Point Final Level WEB.Milieu Reference Point Final Level WEB.Milieu