7 TH G RADERS W ELCOME ! 1. Row Leaders: Please pick- up folders. 2. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) 3. Get out your materials and prepare to write your agenda. -Thank you!
A QUICK REMINDER: Make sure all water breaks, bathroom breaks, pencil sharpening, backpack cleaning, etc… are done BEFORE the bell rings. Do not get out of your seat without permission. If you are eating, put it away or throw it away. Do NOT shoot trash into the trash can. Be ready to work and stay on task.
7 TH G RADE A GENDA T UESDAY 1. Write your agendas 2. Get new A.L. sheets 3. Do Warm-up (A.L. #1)* whip around 4. Turn in AD Poster* 5. around the world checklist* 6. Exit & whip around* HW: None Objective: In sentence frames, SWBAT critique other students advertisement posters using adjectives, prepositions of time, and future tense. A.L.: 1.) My Ad Poster Plans 5/10
A SSIGNMENT L OG #1 1.) M Y A D P OSTER P LANS 5/10 1. The first thing my peers will notice about my poster is a _(adj)_ _________. 2. Then, they will see the _(adj) ______ which I added because _______. 3. In addition, my audience will notice that ( park/movie/etc… ) will open on _(date)_. 4. Finally, the last thing they will observe in my ad is _________. This is _( describe location )_ and looks _(adj)_ with a/some _(adj) _______.
Peer Review Checklist wksht
EXIT SLIP *DO THIS ON THE BACK OF YOUR PEER REVIEW CHECKLIST WKSHT. YOU WILL BE MAKING SUGGESTION FOR YOUR PEERS AD POSTERS BASED ON THE INFORMATION YOU HAVE GATHERED IN YOUR PEER REVIEW CHECKLIST. 1.) To begin with, I would suggest that __________ add a/some _(adj)_ ________ to his/her ad poster to show ___________. 2.) I would also recommend that ___________ include _(adj)_ ________ to his/her ad poster as well because it would make the poster more _(adj)_. 3.) What people will like about ________s_ poster is the _(adj)_ _________ that can be seen (describe location). 4.) After viewing other peoples posters, I realize that if I could, I would change mine by adding a/some _(adj)_ ______.
W INDING D OWN *Class is almost over, so it is time to: 1. STAY IN YOUR SEATS!!! 2. Stamp A.L.s & folders 3. Recap: Did you accomplish this objective? Objective: In sentence frames, SWBAT critique other students advertisement posters using adjectives, prepositions of time, and future tense. 4. Take out your exit slips to be checked 5. You will be dismissed when you are allowed to go.
M ATERIALS N EEDED 1. (60) Ad Poster Peer Review Checklist STANDARD Describe, compare, and contrast physical characteristics.