The IAE Alumni Network (AD IAE) A intelligent complement to your IAE Training Olivier PAULHIAC MBA C&T 2003
A network, what for ? To enrich your own address book and or to develop your network To make yourself known (expertise, competences in action…) To find a Job To build up your credibility and to obtain your peers confidence To access new up-to-date information (conferences) To find and use new resources To gain time when looking for new sources of information (link with other networks, benchmarking…)
The IAE Network : alumni with in activity Decision-Makers at all hierachy levels, of all ages, all kind of positions in 120 countries Contacts in main companies, SMB, Local Collectivities and Institutions and even in nuclear submarines…
What the network has to offer : Various services to develop your activities and manage your career (IAE Alumni Directory, Conferences, Flash training, Access to the IAE Library, IAE Career Service, coaching…). To keep in touch with the IAE and your own Promotion To access the grey job-market (70%) A network useful for your own professional activities New customers Finding new competences for your recruitments Benchmarking, Best Practices exchanges Enlarging your field of knowledge Get out of your shell, meet other people ! Get feedback
Welcome to the IAE Network Our sites to get information: > IAE Community (583 members) Our partners : The IAE The Career Service Centre The Excellence Network : ENSAM+IEP+IAE The Business clubs in Paris and New York
A new Strategy 2004 : Creation of the Business Club 2005 : Launch of the partnership IAE / Business Clubs Launch of Business Club George V (Paris) 2006 : a new team New strategy, new name : AD-IAE-AIX Partnership IAE / AD-IAE-AIX New website : Alumni Directory 2008 Online Alumni Directory A VIADEO community to help keep in touch and develop exchanges between members
How to use the IAE Network Obtain an IAE diploma Fill in your own personal records on the website: Express your own expectations Subscribe to the AD IAE : 25 for students (50 ) And give a little bit of your time to participate in the AD IAE Activities !!