Benchmarking of INTOSAI’s standard-setting PSC - INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee
Benchmarks so far INTOSAI IAASB (IFAC) IIA (IPPF) GAO (Yellow Book) Good practice according to INTOSAI GOV 9200 Others might follow in the future…
Elements of the benchmarking 1.Advisory body / stakeholder panel? 2.Governance / oversight body? 3.Who decides the content of the standards? 4.Who develops the standards? 5.Administrative support? 6.Financing? 7.Implementation? 8.Responsiveness? 9.Transparancy?
Overview ElementINTOSAIIAASBIIAGAOINTOSAI GOV 9200 StakeholdersVery limitedYes OversightFormally yes (GB)Yes (Yes)Yes DecidingFormal competencies in 3 SC (PSC, KSC, CBC) Board – IAASB 17 members and full-time chair Board – IIASB Min. 14 members GAO Input from Advisory Council and GAO audit standard team Independent selection procedure for emers of standard- setting body DevelopingProject groups and task forces Task Force with IAASB member as team leader. Secr assists drafting Project team w team leader. GAO audit standards team. Standards usually developed w input from a task force and experts Adm supportLimited (PSC secr.) No support to project groups or drafting. Yes Adequate resources should be available FinancingIn-kind No funding of expenses Yes (employees) Adequate resources should be available ImplementationIDI, subcom- mittees, PSC Secr Yes N/A ResponsivenessSome degree…YesSome degreeYes TransparancyYes
Key results I 1.Input from external stakeholders Important to all. GAO, IAASB and the IIA has formalized their stakeholder input in permanent advisory bodies. Their role differ; review or comment on the content and assess compliance with due process 2.Oversight body All include some form of oversight function. Some oversight functions include representatives of external stakeholders.
Key results II 3.Who decides the content of the standards? For IAASB and IIA content is decided by a board with personal membership. In GAO content is ultimately decided by the Comptroller General. 4.Who develops the drafts? Various forms of task forces or project teams consisting of qualified experts (auditing, methodology and/or standards).
Key results III 5.Administrative support? All rely on administrative support. 6.Financing? Financial models differ, but all benchmarks include some form of financing mostly in form of covering travel and accommodation costs. 7.Implementation support Implementation systems and various implementation tools are in place.
Key results IV 8.Responsiveness? Feedback systems differ; either based on questions and responses received or based on monitoring and providing inputs on needed revisions. 9.Transparency? All have exposure periods of minimum 90 days and comments are made public.
Conclusions for inspiration… Input from external stakeholders and wider recognition is important Some form of oversight and coordination is necessary Content of standards are decided by experts Standard setters recieve administrative support. Standard setting requires funding and adequate resources. Standards are developed by various forms of task forces etc. Feedback from users is important Standard setting must be transparent Support for implementation is crucial