 When a child is Tormented Threatened Harassed Humiliated Embarrassed Or targeted by a child, preteen or teen using the Internet or mobile phones.


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Presentation transcript:

 When a child is Tormented Threatened Harassed Humiliated Embarrassed Or targeted by a child, preteen or teen using the Internet or mobile phones.

Internet Cellphones Facebook Twitter Myspace Chat room Websites Text


Anger issues Problems at home Revenge Siblings Their past w h at is it ? :: h o w it w or ks :: w h y c y b er b ull y ? :: pr e v e nt io n :: ta k e a ct io n :: w h at 's th e la w ? W h y d o ki d s c y b er b ull y e a c h ot h er ? W h o k n o w s w h y ki d s d o a n yt hi n g ? W h e n it c o m es to c y b er b ull yi n g, th e y ar e of te n m ot iv at e d b y a n g er, re v e n g e or fr us tr at io n. S o m et i m es th e y d o it fo r e nt er ta in m e nt or b e c a us e th e y ar e b or e d a n d h a v e to o m u c h ti m e o n th ei r h a n d s a n d to o m a n y te c h to ys a v ai la bl e to th e m. M a n y d o it fo r la u g hs or to g et a re a ct io n. S o m e d o it b y a c ci d e nt, a n d ei th er se n d a m es s a g e to th e w ro n g re ci pi e nt or di d n' t th in k b ef or e th e y di d so m et hi n g. Th e P o w er - h u n gr y d o it to to r m e nt ot h er s a n d fo r th ei r e g o. R e v e n g e of th e n er d m a y st ar t o ut d ef e n di n g th e m se lv es fr o m tr a di ti o n al b ull yi n g o nl y to fi n d th at th e y e nj o y b ei n g th e to u g h g u y or g al. M e a n gi rls d o it to h el p b ol st er or re m in d p e o pl e of th ei r o w n so ci al st a n di n g. A n d so m e th in k th e y ar e ri g ht in g w ro n g a n d st a n di n g u p fo r ot h er s. B e c a us e th ei r m ot iv es di ff er, th e so lu ti o ns a n d re s p o ns es to e a c h ty p e of c y b er b ull yi n g in ci d e nt h a s to di ff er to o. U nf or tu n at el y, th er e is n o "o n e siz e fit s al l" w h e n c y b er b ull yi n g is c o n c er n e d. O nl y t w o of th e ty p es of c y b er b ull ie s h a v e so m et hi n g in c o m m o n wi th th e tr a di ti o n al sc h o ol y ar d b ull y. Ex p er ts w h o u n d er st a n d sc h o ol y ar d b ull yi n g of te n m is u n d er st a n d c y b er b ull yi n g, th in ki n g it is ju st a n ot h er m et h o d of b ull yi n g. B ut th e m ot iv es a n d th e n at ur e of c y b er c o m m u ni c at io ns, a s w ell a s th e d e m o gr a p hi c a n d pr of ile of a c y b er b ull y di ff er fr o m th ei r of fli n e c o u nt er p ar t..

Educating kids about the consequences Learning to respect others and to take a stand against bullying. Simply watch what you say. Be alert to unfamiliar s text messages.

 If you are being cyber-bullied, follow these four easy steps to resolve the incident. 1. Delete the message 2. Logout of the website 3. Ignore the message 4. Tell an adult

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