Alex F 5/11/2011 Period 7 Com. 19 Music: Free Play Music; Bow and Jubilate, 6/1/2011, om
Lemelson MIT, Basketball (Game), 5/17/11,
The Invention/ Basketball Started by a childhood gamed played by James Naismith called Duck on a Rock. In 1909, The first official basketball was made. The first official intercollegiate basketball game was. played in 1897 In 1936, basketball became an olympic sport. The professional league is currently named the National Basketball Association (NBA). The first professional game was played in The first professional league was called the National Basketball League (NBL).
Inventor: James Naismith James Naismith was Canadian-Born. Born November 6, Entered McGill University in Montreal. Pursued athletics, won Wick stead medals for best all around athlete. Took a job at McGill as a P.E. teacher. Died November 28, 1939.