the company One of the biggest and most historic production houses in Greece.
operating since 1985 big in reputation and trust hosts the biggest post production house in the market the company
Often awarded the top national prices for its production ventures in television spots, feature and creative documentaries.
philosophy Using the long experience background and great knowledge of our team, we pursuit with creativity and professionalism in adding value on every step of the production process. We make a difference.
we differ in Great team is what makes the difference. Each producer is assigned to specific brands, personal bonds are created and by adding the necessary creative talent we drive forward the campaign to success.
we differ in Contacts are what make the difference. Directors, location managers, casting directors, highly specialized production crews and experts in every field, the very elite of professionals are part of our national and international creative talent that push our work to the edge of creativity and distinction.
Expertise is what makes the difference. An in house post production, is the biggest and most updated Nationally. (last update March 2011) It is provided with state of the art technology, operated by the most talented professionals in their field, guaranteeing total control, persistence to detail and creativity. Finally the absolute confidentiality for each project is a MUST for all of us! we differ in
TV Production Biggest Nationally – Top of the line Post Production Casting 3D animation Feature Films Events Web TV Radio Production basic fields of interest
25 full time employees 7 production 11 post production 7 accounting & management 50 permanent free lancers big range of contacts with foreign directors the people
modiano in numbers 365 days and nights availability Immediate, 24/7 post production response 5 3D animation companies work for us 7 production houses all around the world keep a weekly contact & provide fresh input for all continents spots along with original material, stock footage, casting & locations complete our archive and provide information when needed 900 sq. m. building dedicated to production and post production 1 in house stage fully equipped helps in pack shot shots and speed