Technology Management and Policy / RdN ROLE AND NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY POLICY MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING SCHOOLS Dr. Richard de Neufville Professor of Engineering Systems and Founding Chairman Technology and Policy Program M.I.T.
Technology Management and Policy / RdN OUTLINE Need and Role in Society for Technology Policy Management Curricular Needs Research Needs
Technology Management and Policy / RdN MOTIVATION and NEED for TECHNOLOGY POLICY MANAGEMENT Major Societal Issues involve both Technology and Policy/Management transport, energy, industry, environment Traditional Education not adequate narrow focus on either, but not both Result: Clash; loss of opportunities Need: A cadre of leaders in both technology and policy/management
Technology Management and Policy / RdN INTELLECTUAL HOME for TECHNOLOGY POLICY MANAGEMENT Institutions for national leaders Must have strong basis in technology “impossible” to teach technology to people who do not have strong basis in science and math e.g.: MIT, CMU, Stanford, Cambridge Univ. At Institutions focused on technology, must be in engineering schools e.g.: Delft, Instituto Superior Tecnico
Technology Management and Policy / RdN NATIONAL ROLE of TMP PROGRAMS Prepare leaders on broad range of issues with technical content In governments -- ministries, etc In industry -- since private sector often sets and implements technology strategy e.g.: communications, manufacturing, etc.
Technology Management and Policy / RdN NATIONAL NEEDS from TMP PROGRAMS Leaders knowledgeable in technology and policy with an understanding of societal needs who can implement effectively
Technology Management and Policy / RdN SPECIAL ROLE FOR TMP PROGRAMS TMP Programs are not same as business or economics programs Emphasis on technology Consideration of national needs, politics Concern for proper regulation of technology TMP Programs distinct in recruitment -- engineers and scientists content -- focus on technical issues placements -- technologically based activities
Technology Management and Policy / RdN CURRICULAR NEEDS for TMP: CONTENT Leadership training Technological expertise e.g.: mechanical, environmental engineering Knowledge in applied social sciences e.g.: economics, law, management Political perspective Implementation skills
Technology Management and Policy / RdN CURRICULAR NEEDS for TMP: TYPES OF CLASSES Many are traditional e.g.: transport, dynamics, industrial engineering also: economics, politics, law But, a coherent curriculum is not a zoo: 1 from each species! Need: Integrative subjects, that help students learn how to lead, implement
Technology Management and Policy / RdN CURRICULAR NEEDS for TMP: LEADERSHIP CLASSES Leadership is more than “command” It involves Identifying goals, developing and maintaining support, teamwork, attention to implementation Willingness to take risks These skills can be developed Group exercises, role models Good experience at MIT
Technology Management and Policy / RdN CURRICULAR NEEDS for TMP: INTEGRATIVE CLASSES Technical and Policy/Management disciplines differ deeply “there is a technical answer” “values differ, so there is no right answer” Bridging these views requires skill Understanding stakeholder interests Appreciating value, processes of negotiation This is key role of integrative classes
Technology Management and Policy / RdN CURRICULAR NEEDS for TMP: NEW SUBJECTS Beyond technical subjects… Economics, Politics (if unavailable) Leadership experience, exposure Special courses, visits with leaders, etc. Integrative classes Subjects oriented around system studies, etc. (MIT Proseminars)
Technology Management and Policy / RdN CURRICULAR NEEDS for TMP: IMPLEMENTATION Needed classes cannot all be taken from existing programs New types of classes essential Use success elsewhere (MIT, Delft…) Adapt courses for local conditions Collaborative teaching (in person, at distance)
Technology Management and Policy / RdN RESEARCH NEEDS for TMP: MANY MAJOR OPEN ISSUES Many topics at union of technology and management/policy neglected for lack of capable people Some examples: Designing for uncertainty (risks, rewards) Effects of regulations (local content, pricing) Value of specialized knowledge clusters Collaborative, lean design and manufacture etc., etc
Technology Management and Policy / RdN RESEARCH NEEDS for TMP: APPROPRIATE RESEARCHERS Researchers from traditional disciplines not sufficient Engineers not expert on economics, policy; e.g.: history of nuclear power industry Economists not up on technical opportunities; e.g.: failures of regulation in California, UK Need: researchers solidly prepared in both technology and social sciences e.g.: TMP Program at MIT
Technology Management and Policy / RdN RESEARCH NEEDS for TMP: LOCAL ACTIVITY Clear value to collaboration with network of international colleagues, however: Portugal needs its own research work Focused on its issues (not those of US, UK) Adapted to local politics, history, values
Technology Management and Policy / RdN RESEARCH NEEDS for TMP: INVOLVEMENT WITH LOCAL ISSUES Local focus desirable for Efficiency of effort -- because local activities have competitive advantage internationally National needs -- This is the justification for national support Education and placement of students -- local issues motivate, provide context for students; local contacts develop job opportunities
Technology Management and Policy / RdN RESEARCH NEEDS for TMP: AN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY Research into local issues is a key factor in the educational program The research itself provides many opportunities for system studies and analyses of technology, management and policy
Technology Management and Policy / RdN CONCLUSION Formation of Portuguese program in Technology, Policy Management is an important educational step A valued partner of international team Strong local effort needs integrative activities coherent research program
Technology Management and Policy / RdN MUITO OBRIGADO!