A division of MYCA-Pope, Inc. Patricia Massey President
Targeted specifically to higher-ed organizations. Represents “best of class” award-winning content and delivery approach used by Fortune 500 companies. Incorporates valuable measurement tool that enables ongoing growth and excellence. Includes “real life” scenarios and simulations to develop participant’s relationship skills. Actively engages participant in content and decision making. Fosters personal and organizational growth. Unusually high ratings from participants on the value of the training, with 95% or more saying they learned something new that they can apply to their work.
robustmeaningfulmeasurableUse of a robust, meaningful & measurable training programs in a highly interactive e-learning environment Engaging & Challenging Cost Effective Proven & Researched Content Innovative Multimedia Delivery Benefits of EDGE.edu e-Learning
Benefits… cont’d Substantial cost savings compared to traditional instructor-led training. e-Learning allows participants to absorb the material when it is convenient for them, and at their own pace. Individual licenses allow participants to periodically go back and review content. Course maps allow them to easily find the specific content they are looking for. Online learning on the topic of diversity increases participants’ ability and willingness to be honest with themselves. They don’t have to worry about how their perceptions, comments, etc. will be judged by other participants. ConsistentDelivery of MessageConsistent Delivery of Message
Courses are designed to Reduce Barriers & Increase Productivity. Users interact with a virtual workgroup to explore basic diversity concepts & explore the competitive advantages to a diverse workforce. E mbracing D iversity for G rowth & E xcellence Introducing:
2 Distinct modules Highly interactive and engaging content Research-based Measurable impact Proven content Higher-ed focus EDGE.edu Experience EDGE.edu Experience
EDGE.edu Structure Team dialogue Pre quiz learning opportunities Drag-n-drop exercise Ask Yourself Facilitator debrief of content Your turn questions Dot exercise Post quiz questions Course summaries
Increase your understanding of the significant demographic changes that have occurred in the U.S. in the last five decades. Acquire a definitive way of describing diversity, and the dimensions included in diversity. Further develop your ability to articulate why diversity is an important issue within higher education and the workforce. Enhance your understanding of why it is important for everyone to work more effectively with others, regardless of their background.
Live Demo Live Demo The Knowledge EDGE
Achieve a higher level of awareness about how each of us is taught to understand the differences that exist in our society. Increase your level of personal understanding and insight about everyday assumptions and stereotypes, and the extent to which you have internalized some of them. Better understand the impact of these stereotypes on interpersonal relationships, teamwork and ultimately, productivity.
Live Demo Live Demo The Awareness Edge
EDGE: National Recognition & Awards
Content Interaction Be Creative … We understand that not only are each person’s differences important, but the differences in a company make-up and and its need to address diversity will also differ. That is why we encourage customization of your diversity training experience.
Measurement Make Fact-Based Decisions Based on Real-Time Reports
EDGE Success Stories…
Closing Thought Collaboration is the key to reduce barriers and create a more inclusive organizational environment for everyone. A division of MYCA-Pope, Inc. Patricia Massey President