Purchase Orders & Receivers Agenda Setup the PO Purchase Area Assign User to PO Purchase Area Enter some Purchase Orders Pull purchase orders into receivers Apply a received product to a purchase contract Look at where the received line shows up on the commodity dpr. Add freight and tax to a inventory receiver.
PO Purchase Area Maintenance Set different ranges for different purchase areas. Put as much default information as possible to save when creating purchase orders. Assign all users who will create purchase orders to a purchase area.
System will assign the next PO in your purchase area. PO Purchase Area Maintenance
Purchase Orders Maintenance Default info flows in from purchase area can be modified for this PO.
Purchase Orders Maintenance PO can be entered with item number, UPC, or vendor items. Remember the last cost will include freight from prior purchases. Note purchase Factor cost vs last cost. F6 to create an item if it is a new product.
Print Purchase Orders No longer print for the whole range of PO numbers. Can select a desired Purchase Area.
Computer Generated Purchase Orders Orders based on Vendor items. Orders if Current QTY is less than Min Days Supply or Min Qty on hand. Suggests an order qty of lesser of Max Qty on Hand or Max Days Supply. Orders in reorder in multiples of. Run the Inventory Reorder report before implementing Computer Generated POS.
Inventory Receivers Receiving Updates Retail Price change all locations Cost change all locations Receivers update u8icost UPC at Receiving Time Also the ability to shut of receiving G/L merge.
Inventory Receivers Freight is allocated based on extended amount Have done it based on quantity in AP but that isnt generally any better than amount.
Inventory Receivers F2 to look up purchase orders. 1=Select will pull PO into Receiving Entry screen. 5=Display will display entire content of PO. F11 will show you the PO notes.
Inventory Receivers V7 Inventory Quantities are updated when you press F1. Contract number for applying to commodity dpr. Products tracked by lot require a lot #. Cost check that it is within your variance.
Inventory Receivers applying to Contracts Products setup on Commodity DPR automatically bring up outstanding contracts. F17 to bring up a different vendors contracts. Selecting put this received quantity into the contracted purchases on the DPR.
Commodity DPR Commodity DPR used to evaluate your position on Non Grain Commodities. Shows Inventory, Purchase Contracts, Sales Contracts and variances.
Inventory Receivers Fuels Freight and Tax Setup freight and/or tax line items to different vendors but included into the received items cost. Setting this up ahead will bring in the freight and taxes again and again. The freight will be setup to be paid to the freight vendor
Maintain Inventory Received not Invoiced Allows the deletion of receivers that have been merged but not pulled into AP. Can delete 1 line of a receiver. Delete same month and year receivers in same batch.
Inventory Received Reports Inventory Received not Invoiced (DAILY) report can only be balanced to general ledger when no receivers are included in open AP batches. Open Inventory Received for Given Month report should be able to balance to the general ledger at anytime.
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