Plants are very important to all human beings and animals. Some plants are used as medicines, food, furniture, materials to build a house, etc. Plants make the environment beautiful and they lessen the pollution around us. So we should take care of them.
Let’s Experiment!!! (This activity can be done individually or by group) 1.Get some mongo seeds. 2.Prepare six (6) containers. 3.Label the containers properly for identification. 4.In the first container put the mongo seeds and do not water it.
Let’s Experiment!!! (This activity can be done individually or by group) 5.In the second container, put the mongo seeds and water it. 6.In the third container, put cotton and mongo seeds, then, water it. 7.In the fourth container, put sand and mongo seeds, then, water it.
Let’s Experiment!!! (This activity can be done individually or by group) 8.In the fifth container, put loam soil and mongo seeds, then, water it. 9.In the sixth container, put loam soil and mongo seeds, but do not water it.
Let’s Experiment!!! (This activity can be done individually or by group) 10.Observe the plants for two weeks. 11.Take pictures of the plants everyday and see how they grow. 12.Observe how they differ from each other.
Let’s Experiment!!! (This activity can be done individually or by group) 13. Make a comparison and report it in class. 14.Write your evaluation on an acetate and present it in class using the OHP (Over Head Projector). 15.Make a documentation and place it in a scrapbook.