“The Society” of St. Vincent de Paul Video Runtime: 8:50
With respect and compassion, motivated by gospel values, we will provide emergency and transitional housing for the homeless, following the mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, with the goal of building the individual’s life skills and self-reliance, as a foundation for permanent housing.
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society at Saint Francis has been a presence in the Newark area for over 90 years. When a need is known, 2 Vincentians visit the individual or family to ascertain need and to “see the face of Christ in the poor and accompany… Christ to the poor.” Locally in 2008 SVdP provided $238,535 in assistance to 5,490 individuals during 2,139 visits In , four parish conferences of Saint Vincent de Paul, Blessed Sacrament, St. Edward, St. Francis and St. Leonard, implemented the first 2 phases of a 3-phase plan.
Phase 1 SVdP Food Pantry Established 2003 in conjunction with the Food Pantry Network of Licking County. In 2008, the Food Pantry distributed : 65,200 meals 10,200 individuals 2,400 households 2,500 volunteer hours.
Phase 2 Thrift Store began in 2003 In 2008 the Thrift Store netted $45,000 and utilized 4,732 volunteer hours. $2,500 of the income from the Thrift Store provided to the 4 parish conferences to support home visits. $57,600 worth of items was given away to clients of SVdP and general public.
Phase 3 The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Housing Facility, Inc. Anticipated opening of this 501(c) 3 not–for–profit organization is December 2009 Providing safe emergency and transitional housing for up to 24 adult males in lieu of current $ spent housing in motels and rooming houses to reduce long waiting lists at other housing facilities. Located within one mile of appropriate community resources. Fostering an atmosphere of dignity, integrity and respect to make a real change in behavior.
Homeless citizens Where do the homeless come from? Prison release Residential drug/alcohol treatment programs Military veterans Hospitals Foster care Others with significant mental health issues or low functional skills
Sobering Statistics According to the USA Today in 2007, one in four homeless were veterans, but veterans make up only 11% of the entire population. Current estimates are that on any given night, there are over 131,000 homeless veterans. According the Department of Veterans Affairs, # homeless Vietnam veterans>> soldiers who died during that war. 80% of the homeless have significant mental health problems.
Sobering Statistics (cont’d) Many homeless persons are among the working poor. Many who work 27 hours +/week yet are at or below the official poverty level. One in four homeless persons is employed full or part time. # Homeless grows annually.
Objectives The SVdP HF building at 115 Wilson Street, Newark, Ohio, can comfortably shelter 24 adult males for up to 2 years. What can we provide? Shelter from 4 pm to 8 am (TBD). Three meals a day (2 in-house, 1 packed) Toiletries Clothing Laundry A mailing address Access to phone and voice mail Locked areas for prescription drugs/personal items Showering facilities A computer room Taxi tokens Referral to appropriate community resources
Expectations of residents Perform chores Conduct three job contacts a day Maintain a regular schedule Maintain personal hygiene Conform to Housing Facility rules Maintain Sobriety Take prescribed medications
How will the program at the SSVdP HF differ from other housing programs? Mentoring Website Computer access and classes Meal-a-Month Involve university students
Management Board of Directors is composed of one member from each of the 4 founding conferences (the 2 other conferences will be invited to join) and a representative from the Center Board Executive Director (ED) Volunteer Committees Staff from 4 pm to 8 am (TBD) seven nights a week.
Financial Forecast First Year Cost Estimates $158,660 (Residents stay 16 hrs/day) Major Items: Salaries-(including payroll taxes) $91,344-58% Insurance-$12,500 Admin. Expenses- $26,940 (Background checks& ID'S-$10,000) Second Year Cost Estimates- $164,647 (Residents stay16 hrs/day) Third Year Cost Estimates - $192,911 (Residents stay 24 hrs/day) RATIOS: PER BED PER YEAR (24 beds) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 $6611 $6944 $8038 Actual other shelters COST PER BED per year Lancaster- 24 beds--$4909 Dayton beds--$7118 Denver - 40 beds--$8205
Future Programs 365/24/7 program Severe weather Additional wings for women? families? men? as the need arises.