Coach Michele’s Group Coaching April 4, 2011
Today’s Topic Success – Let’s Get Physical…
Basics We are physical beings and our physical self matters Physical health is crucial to our holistic health and energy levels Outward transformation often follows physical transformation If you want to be all you can be, you need to make your body a priority
My two cents as a coach I used to not make a big deal of this with clients But now I know better…it is CRUCIAL to whatever changes they are making, so it must be addressed if we want success All of us, no matter what our current state of health or abilities, can use what we do have, and nourish ourselves the best we can, given the current conditions. No excuses!
Initial Question Do you feel you are making your body a priority at this time in your life? If you’d like to make it more of a priority, why is that? Why do you think it is important to you?
Physical Selves I personally believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience But there is certainly no doubt that in our present form we are physical beings, animals, and our holistic health has our body as it’s base Think of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Energy Of the 4 kinds of energy, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, the physical is understood to be at the core of all the other energies… Physical – ability to move and do physical work Emotional – emotional resiliency, ability to think positively Mental – ability to focus Spiritual – inspirational energy for change and action ie., No physical energy, no emotional energy No physical energy, no mental energy No physical energy, no spiritual energy
The Main Needs of Physical Self OxygenWaterFoodSleepExercise
Questions When in your life did you give your body the most focus? What routines really worked for you? What do you find is most important for you? What do you find really stops working for you when you don’t have the physical piece in place? Why do we think it is so easy for people to neglect this part of their self-care?
Air, Water, Sleep We need to breathe deeply, consciously, every day We need to drink a healthy amount of water Most people need to sleep 7.5 hours
Food It’s obvious the SAD (standard American diet) is not great for us Of course, there are many “diets” out there and many theories on how to best eat Some things are obvious Whole foods are better than processed Whole foods are better than processed Refined carbohydrates, we get way too much Refined carbohydrates, we get way too much We need to eat for sustenance, not entertainment or emotional management We are all individuals, and have different needs, that also differ at different times in our lives We need to listen and honor our bodies
Questions Now, I don’t want to get into a debate about what eating plan is best, but I just want us to share our thoughts… In your life, what was the eating style that matched you the best and your body responded to the best?
Exercise We need to move our bodies It gets rid of stress It makes us stronger and more energetic It makes us confident in ourselves It often gets us out in nature, major bonus Speaking of chakras, our physical self is tied to the root chakra…Basis of ALL creativity, all of our great ideas and creations in our lives
Final Discussion What exercise system has worked the best for you? Why do you think that is? What are you going to take from this call or do differently?
Next Session Calls will be held on Monday nights in April Again Next Session…Mon April 11th, 2011 Coaching techniques