Research, Databases & “Taboo” Topics Research on Databases PVCC :Taboo” Topics--topics to avoid for the lat two papers
Research Databases similar to Online Catalogues Search by Author Title Subject Keyword Databases differ from Online Catalogues Databases usually only have articles, no books
Using Databases Databases similar to Search Engines Type in your search word(s) Try and make it as specific as possible in order to lower the number of results. Use Boolean operators to help limit your result Databases differ from Search Engines Limit your search by clicking on “Full Text” and/or “Refereed” Usually works in databases have been printed first Database articles are not usually available by simply going to a web page. Usually must enter them through a library.
Boolean Logic Uses combinations of keywords with the following words And, But. Or. Not, Plus These words help to narrow the search so you are not looking at a lot of superfluous works religion and science --The database will find articles that contain both of these words Religion and science not creation --The database will find articles that contain religion and science but will eliminate any articles with creation in them.
PVCC Databases Expanded Academic Index ASAP MasterFile Premier Academic Search Premier CQ Researcher Ethnic News Watch Arizona Newspapers Eric Issues and Controversies
Accessing from Home REMOTE ACCESS to Databases requires only your 13- digit bar code number located on the back of your PVCC ID card and only for a database that requires it. All students, faculty, or staff not having a PVCC ID will need to obtain one through Admissions & Records and College Safety if wanting to check out Library materials or use the Databases. Note: If you are having problems accessing the Databases please call for assistance.
Expanded Academic Index General Studies database Allows a search to be by Keyword or Subject Covers many and varied topics Allows a search to be refereed Allows a search to be narrowed Allows a search for full-text articles only Can browser print, pdf print, , or save to a disk
MasterFile and Academic Premier Covers any topic Allows a search to be Peer Reviewed Allows a search to be narrowed Allows a search for full text articles only Can browser print, pdf print, , or save to a disk
CQ Researcher Another excellent database Academic resources on many topics Provides detailed information from reliable sources
Ethnic News Watch Database that provides resources from newspapers of various ethnic backgrounds Nice place to get information from a different point of view Example: read a Native American newspaper article on Native American casinos
Arizona Newspapers Provides links to the latest Arizona Newspaper articles Provides links to past articles Focus is on newspapers, therefore no sources are given--not reliable sources
ERIC Education Resources Focus of entire database is upon education Provides abstracts only
Issues and Controversies Databases provides resources on controversial issues Easy to use Content includes: articles, tables, graphs, background on topic Information is not always current
Unacceptable Topics Abortion Death Penalty Gun Control Legalizing Marijuana Violence in the Media Cloning Stem Cell Research