Student of 21 st century Author: Aslexander Gribkov Grade: 7 A School: 40 (МАОУ СОШ № 40)
Student of 21 st century 1) His appearance? 2) His education? 3) His devices? 4) His clothes?
How will he/she look like? 0 The student of the 21 st century will look like an ordinary student of our time. 0 His appearance won’t differ from the appearance of an usual student. 0 If you think that his appearance will look the other way you‘ll be wrong.
What kind of education will he get? Student of 21 st century will train at home with the help of a computer. Student will be taught by a robot. It’s the time and it will be the time when all the students will study through computers. But last century that was a “computer”!
E-Devices Do you know what e-gadgets are? The Students of the 21 st century know: 0 what they are; 0 how to use them; 0 how to combine their functions 0 and what to do to help others (grandparents, parents, friends, etc)
E-Devices 0 The students of the 21 st century will have a lot of devices. They are a telephone, a notebook, a communicator and a lot of other things. In the 21 st century all the student will have an opportunity to contact with his friends all over the world and devices will help them with it. You can't learn in school what the world is going to do next year. ~Henry Ford But REMEMBER!
My ideas of students’ fashion of the 21st century 0 Student of 21 st century will look very modern. Boys will have trainers, blue jeans, a T-shirt, a jacket and a cap. Girls will have pink gumshoes, pink jeans, a pink T-shirt, and a pink hat. 0 Healthy lifestyle will be in fashion!
Conclusion In conclusion I want to underline that a student of the 21 st century will: 0 follow a healthy lifestyle; 0 be able to use all the e-devices easily; 0 get his education through computers. But the most important thing for me at school is my school friends who are helpful and supportive to me.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!!!! As Muhammad Ali said: “Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.”