Invoice Maintenance and Balancing Batches June 22-24, 2011 Terri Schwarzrock AgVantage ® Software National Conference
Invoice Maintenance Creating Batches from Crossover & Correcting Errors Balancing Batches of Invoices AgVantage Contract Options Sales Tax Exemption Transferring Prepaid Money Removing Bookings
eAgVantage Store POS Invoicing DPR, Sales Contracts, & Grain Bank Grai n eAg V Product Pricing/Contracts (bookings, prepaids) AR Item Balances Inv AgVantage PC Invoicing Enhanced Counter Invoicing Invoice via x-over Patron Sales Activity Pat r General Ledger GL Invoices U4TRND/H 1-Cash Sale 2-Charge 3-POA 5-Booking 8-Prepayment 9-Charge on Prepaid Edit & Merge Invoices AR Batches of Invoices can come from many sources Data updated immediate or during merge process. Energy
AgVantage Store Counter
AgVantagePC (Touch Screen) Invoicing
AgVantage Counter Invoicing
F16 - Returns
Batches from Crossover Interfaces –Creates a batch of invoices from other software Grain –Charge out drying income, storage, or hauling prior to paying the customer for his grain. –Deducting the customers A/R account from their Grain Check Account Payable –A misc. check to refund a customers credit balance. Payroll –Deducts and applies payment to A/R for employee purchases 1.Upon sending something to crossover – Get in the habit of creating the batch. 2.Check for any invoices that come over bad and correct errors in batch 3.Merge A/R Batch to the same month as the other packages 4.Verify the Crossover account balance is zero after the Crossover batch is merged Interfaces –Creates a batch of invoices from other software Grain –Charge out drying income, storage, or hauling prior to paying the customer for his grain. –Deducting the customers A/R account from their Grain Check Account Payable –A misc. check to refund a customers credit balance. Payroll –Deducts and applies payment to A/R for employee purchases 1.Upon sending something to crossover – Get in the habit of creating the batch. 2.Check for any invoices that come over bad and correct errors in batch 3.Merge A/R Batch to the same month as the other packages 4.Verify the Crossover account balance is zero after the Crossover batch is merged Cross Over
4. Accounts Receivable 1. Daily Operations 3. Create and Change a Batch of Transactions 1. Crossover Create a Batch from Crossover
Check for Invoices with Errors
Correct Errors on Invoice Valid Customer Number Required Valid Term/ Due Date Required Valid Salesman Required
Manage Batches Merge or Delete batches asap! Display Active Batches (U4MEN1.5) Unmerged batch warning –Tells when batch is over 15 days old –Shows date of invoices so you know what month it was created in. Delete unwanted batches invoices before payments get applied Once a payment is applied to an invoice and merged can not delete that invoice – even if the invoice has yet to be merged.
Balance A/R Edit Count & balance Cash & Checks Close & balance to Credit Card Machine. Edit invoices in error or enter reversing invoice Cash Detail Report Summary page must equal zero. Verify accurate GL Accounts affected. Record transaction for Cash Over/Short
Balance A/R Edit 1.Check for ** ERROR ** Optional Reports Margin per unit Missing invoice Retail price difference Deleted invoice Audit Tracking Reprint edit after any changes 2.Keep the last good edit. Cannot reprint after merged.
Change Due Dates Be very careful! Will change all invoices that match this criteria Batch can be merged or not F5 Prints a report to verify transaction change F13 actually makes the change U4MEN14.10 Create a Batch of Transactions Menu Option 10 Change Due Dates
Delete of Batch of Invoice Enter Batch Number You Wish to Delete Verify Edit F1 to Delete Any Payments Must be deleted manually
Previous Finance Chg Date Current Finance Chg Date Batch Number to Delete Delete a Batch of Finance Charges
Invoices Change when: Invoice balance changes when payments are applied to an invoice. Paid off date filled when invoice is paid in full Due Dates Change when menu option run Payment transaction codes are changed to a charge as Credit on Account when overpaid. Merge code is changed to Y during merge. All of these changes affect the Aging.
Aging Report Calculates balances for AR Month/Year when requested Available by location or term. Customer Aging Report Customers to Include – Days and Over (All customers) Days and Over Days and Over Days and Over Select Customer Sequence... LL-Location, S-Salesman, A-All Order to Print AA-Alpha, N-Numeric A/R Month Calendar Month A/R Year Calendar Year (four digits) Put Report on Hold Y Y/N Number Of Copies Print customer address N Y/N Aging by Terms NN- All Terms, Y-Select Terms Recalculate Zero Balance Customers. N Y will increase run time Customer Information Menu Option 7 Customer Aging Report Option 17 not recommended
Verify Aging = Ledger AR G/L Balance Forward AR G/L Ending Balance Prepaid G/L Balance Budget G/L Balance Check for #
Balance to AR GL Account
Prepaid and Booking Contracts for multiple Items (FLC, Location or Price Level) Use this when receiving prepay money from customers for chemicals, seed, fertilizer for spring planting. This allows you to prepay/book one item and charge multiple items from that prepaid. It also keeps the price level of the contract to use on the items that are charged against it. Setup: 4. Accounts Receivable, 9. Setup File Maintenance, 15. Activate Optional Features Y Apply multiple items to a contract if they qualify within the parameters set up on the contract. N Do not apply other items to contracts, only the item identified on the contract, and allow transaction code 9 to select a contract to charge against.
Prepaid and Booking Contracts for multiple Items (FLC, Location or Price Level) When entering a Booking or Prepayment Contract via counter, optional fields available to enter. FLC Range for Auto Select - allows any items within the FLC in this range, to be used off of this contract. Loc Range for Auto Select – excludes items outside this location. Price Level for Auto Select - When the items are sold, they will automatically use the prepay dollars up at the price of that item at this price level.
Contracts for multiple customers The contracted customer is the person holding the contract. The invoicing customer is the customer pulling from the contracted customers contract. You can only be an invoicing customer once You may have many invoicing customers pulling from one contracted customer. Customer Information Menu Opt 21 Assign Shared Contract Customers
Tax Codes for Exemptions
Linking Customer to Tax Exemption
Transferring Prepaid Money Questions & Answers Prepayments and Booking Menu Option 6 Roll Prepaid Transactions F13 = Make Change
Remove Bookings Option 12 Remove a Selected Customers Booking Option13 Remove a Range of Bookings
Questions & Answers Thank You for attending AgVantage National Conference 2011