Physical Science and Technology
What is Science? Knowledge we gain from studying or world Physical –How things work Biological –Life
Why is technology important in agriculture mechanics? It allows you to solve problems you come across in an organized matter It gives you information to solve problems The basic rules and practices dont change in science; they just look different
How is Science and Mathematics used in Ag Mech? Used to understand how machines work and the power they give off Helps to solve problems that arise Used to improve our current machines and discover new ways of performing jobs
What are the divisions of mathematics and how are they used? Arithmetic –Simple add, subtract, multiply and divide –Solve simple problems Geometry –Angles, lines, points –Used in surveying land Algebra –Solve more complex problems Calculus –Used in designing new machines Trigonometry –Deals with triangles –Used in precision ag
What are the division of Physical Science? Chemistry Physics Earth Science
What is the difference between work and power? Work –Movement of mass over a distance –Energy put into doing a job Power –The speed at which work is done –How fast you can do a job
What is simple machine? A machine that only has one or two parts
What is a complex machine? The combination of more than one simple machine
What is mechanical advantage? The increase in force and work that can be accomplished with a machine
Simple Machines
Complex Machine