Being&Knowledge along any post- metaphysical context: 1.Being & Probability
Vasil Penchev, Assoc. Prof., PhD, Institute for Philosophical Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, forthcoming publications& links to my personal pages:
My presentation consists of two parts: Being&Probability, which I am presenting now and Time&Fractal, which I am going to post in my page of forthcoming publications in a week: (Please, look at and comment it, I’ll answer!)
The general frame of presentation: What means “Being and Knowledge along any post-metaphysical context”? I mean “Being&Knowledge along of any post-metaphysical contexts” “Being & Knowledge” means: Being and Knowledge are the same: Being, which is Knowledge&Knowledge, which is Being, i.e. Being=Knowledge
From Being&Knowledge to Being&Probability It is Information that is Substance of Being, which is Knowledge Information is a relation between probabilities Granted is: two kinds of probabilties – subjective and objective. We reckon objective probabilities for Being and we reckon subjective probabilities for Knowledge
Our two basic postulates: 1.No experience might differ anyway subjective from objective probability, i.e. Being from Knowledge 2.Substance of Being=Knowledge is Information as a relation between probabilities notwithstanding subjective or objective ones
1.Being has informational character. 2.Information is relation between probabilities. -function evolves from the representation of the information into the space-time. Three theses:
Being has informational character… Being of existing: preservation, conservation Energy conservation law Newton time – uniformly infinitesimal, homogeneous, unstructured No physical object is out of space-time Being of existing supplements with being as information Quantum information conservation law Non-Newton time Blinking in space-time: appearing, disappearing, here and there happening
Being of existing supplements with being as information Energetic = = Time is “constant”: any moment is just the same as any other Informational Time is not “constant”: the moments are different Interaction of moments future present = = past
Quantum information conservation law sum of = a c t i o n as a physical quantity Action h meansNo being without time&information Being with information Existing with energy Being, which doesn’t exist
Non-Newton time Special relativity Space-time Time is a linear ordering of space spheres Non-linear space-time Conclusion of relativity: time is an ordering of space Historical time discrete inhomogeneous Historical choices A historical way plural structured a basic time “La longue durée” Conclusion: time is an ordering of choices Conclusion: time is a set of orderings or ordering of orderings General conclusion: since any ordering is information (by Kolmogorov’s definition by means of complexity), then time is a set or an ordering of information But the conclusion of relativity has been: time is an ordering of space Hypothesis: space is some kind of information
Blinking in space-time: appearing, disappearing, here and there happening Being, which doesn’t exist is constant in space-time Energy conservation expresses its constant being is blinking in space-time an ordering a set an example a ghost a spirit a body a ghost a spirit
Blinking in space-time: appearing, disappearing, here and there happening Being W O R D chance appearing in the table (space-time) an ordered set AXIOM OF SELECTION Any set can be ordered Maybe thought is being, but not existing A genie in a bottle A spirit in a body
Information, energy, matter (an ordering)
Information is a relation between probabilities x p 1 (x) 2 (x) 1 (x)lg 2 (x)dx Which is the meaning of information? N (CHOICES) & N (ALTERNATIVES) 1 2 CHOICES (1-6) & ALTERNATIVES(A-I) A B C DEF F GHI
Information is a relation between probabilities & PREFERENCES x p 1 (x) 2 (x) 1 (x)lg 2 (x)d x) Which is the meaning of information? N (CHOICES) & N (ALTERNATIVES) & PREFERENCES 1 2 CHOICES (1-6) & ALTERNATIVES(A-I) A B C DEF F GHI (x)
Information is a kind of motion I= f 1 (x)lgf 2 (x)d (x) f 1 (x) f 2 (x) f 1 (x)=| 1 (x)| 2 f 2 (x)=| 2 (x)| 2 1 (x) 2 (x) is an operator in Hilbert space If it is a Hermitian operator, then A= 1 (x). 2 (x)dx is a physical quantity To any quantity A corresponds xCxC
The new notion of information To start from the l 2 -form of Hilbert space C={c 1, c 2, c 3, …, c i,….} ciCciC limC i =0, i C i = i / i : | i | 2 + | i | 2 =1 Quantum bit: 0 + 1 , 0 1 The qubit is isomorphic of the unit sphere That’s Why: So appears Hilbert space 2 i 31 … … AXES of HS Al qubits are So appears a qubit
That’s why HS is a quantum The quantum computer is a math model as well as Turing machine For the TM operator “Write ‘1’!” is the QCO: “Do the HS operator ‘F’!” No other difference Any physical process is a calculation of QC! Is any QC calculation a physical process? TM processes ‘classical’ information QC processes ‘quantum’ info Properties of ‘classical’ information: it can be (1) copied, (2) destroyed. It (3) can’t interact with itself. It (4) has always a material (energetic) medium. It (5) is in space-time. ‘Quantum’ information: just the opposite of the above
Qubits representations of HS operators Non-linear operators The action on a qubit acts upon others Phenomena of entanglement Linear operators Unitary Hermitian A combination of Hermitian and Unitary operators |0 |1 Transformation of |0 + |1 in the plane ( |0 , |1 ) Rotation of the unit sphere
-function evolves from the representation of the information into the space-time -function = 1) a common basis of all the -functions (of a Hilbert space) – “the whole” 2) the -function itself – “a part” it World line = 1)a common basis of all the world lines (of a space-time) – “the whole” 2)the world line itself – “a part” it Hilbert space starts from “the whole” and builds up any its part by means of fractal similarity to it Time-space stars from “a part” and build up “the whole” by means of successive similarity to it Information = world line -function Axiom of selection a set an ordering chance appearing into basis
-function represents a set ordered by frequency of chance appearing in space-time of each its element C 1, C 2, C 3, …, C i,… decreasing frequency of appearing
World line represents a set ordered by time C 1, C 2, C 3, …, C i,… {time} space-time distant (C i ) = constant
To the ordering of equidistant space-time paths between two points in contribution to the general motion (Feynman path integral interpretation of quantum mechanics) corresponds the ordering in time of equidistant space-time sections along a world line
A hypothesis: The successive ordering of equidistant space-time distances along a world line corresponds to the ordering in decreasing frequency of appearing into space- time of a -function and to the ordering in level of similarity of a fractal structure
The conclusions are the same as the three theses To remember them!
1.Being has informational character. 2.Information is a relation between probabilities. -function evolves from the representation of the information into the space-time. Conclusions: