ICAO Environment Tools


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Presentation transcript:

ICAO Environment Tools ICAO Secretariat

The Need People and Organizations worldwide are interested in understanding: Their current carbon footprint from air travel; and How it could be reduced in the future. To answer these questions ICAO has developed environmental tools. © ICAO 2013

ICAO Environmental Tools Suite ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator Allows passengers to estimate CO2 emissions from their air travel ICAO Green Meetings Calculator To support decision making in minimizing CO2 emissions from air travel to attend meetings ICAO Fuel Savings Estimation Tool (IFSET) To assist States to estimate fuel savings from operational improvements © ICAO 2013

Methodology All of ICAO’s environmental tools are: Developed or reviewed by the Council’s Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) Fully documented and use the best publicly-available data Subject to continuous refinement and update

ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator Background Proliferation of tools for calculating “carbon footprint” from aviation Results differ by factor of 4 or more! Unknown data sources and methodologies (black box) Inconsistent basis for offsetting © ICAO 2013

ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator Uses Estimates your aviation carbon footprint Supports offset programs Verification of reported emissions Official UN tool Scalable for Enterprise use … “UNEP would also like to express its appreciation to Ted Thrasher, Jane Hupe and the Secretariat of ICAO for the development and maintenance of a custom-built interface to the ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator, for use by the UN system”… Moving Towards a Climate Neutral UN - 2012 Report © ICAO 2013

ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator Primary Users The UN system – The Carbon Neutral Initiative and the Use of the Carbon Calculator helped the UN understand that nearly 50% of its Carbon footprint is attributable to air travel. Member States Travelling Public Amadeus (about 37% of global airline bookings, more than one million per day) UN Interface © ICAO 2013

ICAO Carbon Calculator Methodology Origin and Destination Airports Simple to use Only inputs are airports and class of service CORINAIR Multilateral Schedules Database Pax:Cargo Ratio Load Factor CO2 for Selected Trip Weighted Average Fuel Burn Number of Economy Passengers Great Circle Distance + Correction Factor Class of Service CO2 per Economy Passenger Class of Service Factor © ICAO 2013

ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator (Progress Update) A specialized interface to the Calculator was launched following the 37th ICAO Assembly. http://www.icao.int/ENVIRONMENTAL-PROTECTION/CarbonOffset/Pages/default.aspx In 2012 Mobile versions of the Calculator were made available. Secretariat and CAEP Carbon Calculator group on-going work will bring about further refinement and improvements to the Calculator before the next Assembly session. © ICAO 2013

ICAO Green Meetings Calculator Decision Support The User/Organization can now select venues that have the lowest emissions and the lowest offset costs after considering – Travel related costs Accommodation costs and Other factors. Facilitates travel planners in the UN and other entities to reduce emissions from air travel. Facilitates reduction of travel offset costs where applicable Meeting Planned User Inputs Report User Decides Originally requested by the UN Inter Agency Travel Network to help plan international meetings. Today, the ICAO Green Meetings Calculator is available for Microsoft Windows on the ICAO site at (http://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/Pages/Tools.aspx) and also on mobile devices. © ICAO 2013

ICAO Fuel Savings Estimations Tool Operational Measure Implementation (planned or post) + Need to quantify change in fuel consumption, but don’t have the tools? = USE IFSET

ICAO Fuel Savings Estimations Tool (IFSET) Operational measures like PBN, CDO, CCO, RVSM etc. are among the measures from a basket of available measures that States are using today to reduce emissions. This was recognized in the last ICAO assembly and A37-19 requested ICAO to develop the necessary tools to assess the benefits associated with ATM improvements. States used sophisticated models or rules of thumb to estimate CO2 emissions savings from operational measures. IFSET bridges this gap by allowing those States without sophisticated models to estimate the savings in a harmonized manner.

IFSET ICAO Fuel Savings Estimation Tool Simple to use. Scientific defendable based on pre computed data from the US FAA’s AEDT model. Consistent with Global Air Navigation Plan. Minimal data requirements.

ICAO Fuel Savings Estimations Tool (IFSET) How it Works? Fleet mix defined for baseline and post-implementation scenario Aircraft type group “Remaining flight distance”(as a surrogate for weight) User selects “elements” to define baseline and “new” procedure. [Taxi/Climb/Level/ Descend] Tool estimates the change in total fuel consumption between the two scenarios

States’ Benefits from IFSET States can quantify savings from planned or implemented measures. States can prioritize and select potential measures. States can generate business cases from IFSET results. Facilitates States in raising funding for selected measures. States can implement measures that reduce emissions from aviation. (Today States in every Region and also ANSP’s are using IFSET to quantify and report reduction in emissions from operational measures)

Additional information For more information on our activities, please visit ICAO’ website: http://www.icao.int/env