(your state) Master Farmer Program Add your university logo or program logo here
________________________________________________________________ The Clean Water Act ________________________________________________________________ Originated as the Water Pollution Control Act (WPCA) of 1948 WPCA amendments in 1970 created the EPA WPCA Amendments of 1972 became what is commonly known as the Clean Water Act (CWA) today
CWA Focus For First 25 Years Focused on point source or “end-of-the-pipe” sources - originate from a stationary location or fixed facility from which pollutants are discharged directly into a water-body -includes run-off from wastewater treatment plants, CAFOs, oil refineries Largely exempted nonpoint source (NPS) runoff from regulation; these were managed by voluntary implementation of BMPs -includes run-off from all agriculture, lawns, highways, parking lots, natural sources ______________________________________________________________
Requirements of the CWA ______________________________________________________________ Requires states to develop lists of impaired waters (EPA approved) Requires states’ to identify pollution reductions needed to meet standards – now includes both point and non-point source pollutants Requires development of TMDLs and implementation plans that will lead to clean water goals (EPA approved)
What is a TMDL? Total Maximum Daily Load ______________________________________________________________ Total Maximum Daily Load A TMDL is the maximum amount of a pollutant (allocated among point, nonpoint, and natural sources) that can enter a water body and still comply with water quality standards. It is required for waters not meeting state / EPA approved water quality standards. TMDLs must also be approved by EPA.
Agriculture and Forestry Nonpoint Source Pollutants ______________________________________________________________ Sediments Nutrients Pesticides Oil & Grease Animal Wastes
Impairment Status of Louisiana’s Basin Sub-segments Fully Meeting Needs – No impairments for any designated use Insufficient Data – Water Body was not assessed, or was assessed and had insufficient data to determine status Impaired; Has TMDL – Water body has been determined as impaired for at least 1 impairment of 1 designated use, and a TMDL has been developed for that impairment and use Impaired – Does not need TMDL – Water body has been determined as impaired for at least 1 impairment of 1 designated use, but does not need a TMDL. Examples: non-native vegetation, natural conditions, impairment is drought-related, etc. Impaired – Needs TMDL – Water body has been determined as impaired for a least 1 impairment of 1 designated use, and a TMDL needs to be developed for that impairment and use. ________________________________________________________________ Add your state map with impairments *Based on DRAFT 2002 305(b) List and subject to minor changes.
Add your state land use map here. LOUISIANA LAND USE __*_Stress that there is, at least for Louisiana, a correlation between the land use map and the impairment status of our watersheds. This gives producers and idea of how our state and agriculture are being viewed in light of impairments and their relationship with_ agriculture and forestry.________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Add your state land use map here.
Louisiana Master Farmer Program Collaborations/Partnerships Add your university and program logo here; also add any partnering or supporting agency logos ______________________________________________________________ Louisiana Master Farmer Program Collaborations/Partnerships
Master Farmer Initiative Multi-agency effort sponsored by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation (add your own) Implemented by watershed, with the AgCenter’s watershed agent coordinating the sessions (add your university dept. or center here) Targets all agricultural producers Objective: The (your state) Master Farmer Program is a multi-agency effort targeted at helping agricultural producers voluntarily address the environmental concerns related to production agriculture. ______________________________________________________________
Master Farmer Initiative ______________________________________________________________ Environmental Stewardship
Phase 1: Environmental Education ______________________________________________________________ Conducted at the parish/watershed level Specific topics addressed include: The Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972 National & Louisiana (your state) water quality standards Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Impacts of NPS Pollution on the Coastal Zone Best Management Practices (BMPs) Role of Conservation Districts in conservation planning and implementation The NRCS Planning Process Conservation Programs
Phase 2: Model Farms Representative farms for each watershed; commodity specific for that area BMP demonstrations; ex. No-till vs conventional tillage Water quality monitoring Sponsor field day with data collected for education and outreach purposes ______________________________________________________________
“Potential” Model Farms Add your state watershed map here or delete if no Model Farms will be selected. “Potential” Model Farms Poultry Beef Cattle ______________________________________________________________ Cotton Soybeans Corn Rice, Soybeans Crawfish Beef Cattle Beef Cattle Dairy Sugarcane
Phase 3: Conservation Plans Development and implementation of farm-specific RMS level conservation plans Looks at all resource concerns Plans will be developed by the NRCS and working with the local Soil and Water Conservation District ______________________________________________________________
Time Line For Implementation of Program Schedule of Watersheds Mermentau/Vermilion-Teche (2001) Calcasieu/Ouachita (2002) Barataria/Terrebonne (2003) Red/Sabine (2004) Pontchartrain Basin (2005) Mississippi/Atchafalaya/ Pearl (2006) ______________________________________________________________ Develop and list a time-line for implementation of the program state-wide by watershed.
Summary ______________________________________________________________ As TMDL’s are being developed in (your state)’s watersheds, (your state)’s agricultural producers will face environmental challenges such as compliance with mandatory reductions of nonpoint pollutants, such as nutrients, pathogens (fecal coliform), organic material/dissolved oxygen, sediment, and metals. Voluntary implementation of incentive-based, economically achievable and effective BMPs, through the Master Farmer Program, represents a workable means of reducing agriculture’s contribution to the water quality challenges.
Add your contact information here. ______________________________________________________________