Research Paper Note Cards Improved Performance Source #1 Study found standard test scores (+ or -) no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent reading for pleasure = higher test results. p.2 Language Arts, Ms. Hill Adapted from
What goes on a note card Information that you get from another source Where you got the information The topic or assertion/claim it supports
How to take another author’s information? Paraphrase Summarize Quote DON’T PLAGIARIZE!!!!
PLAGIARISM Any time you take a writer’s words and use them as your own, you are plagiarizing.
Using another writer’s words… the right way. Paraphrase/Summarize Quote Include your own thoughts AND ALWAYS GIVE THE CREDIT TO THE REAL AUTHOR!
Paraphrase/Summarize Summarize (compress/shrink down) in your own words Translate and rewrite what the author is saying·
Example of what you read: “… another study … discovered that the extent of that time commitment was ‘not associated with higher or lower scores on any [achievement] tests.’ By contrast, the amount of time children spent reading for pleasure was strongly correlated with higher scores. “ (“Does Homework Improve Learning, Alfie Kohn)
Example paraphrased: Study shows (+ or -) standard test scores no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent pleasure reading = higher test results.
Example quoted: Use quotation marks around direct quotes Use NO MORE than 4 lines in a quote Includ author’s last name and page number directly after the quote. For example: “The amount of time children spent reading for pleasure was strongly correlated with higher scores.” (Kohn, p2)
Stay organized… In order to keep your ideas in order, and to remember where you found the ideas, there are four items that you will include on each index card
4 Items to include on card Improved Performance Source #1 Study found standard test scores (+ or -) no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent reading for pleasure = higher test results. p.2 Topic where you found the information paraphrased information or direct quote page where you found this information
1. Card Topic Think of it as the main idea (the claim or assertion) that your content supports. Improved Performance Source #1 Study found standard test scores (+ or -) no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent reading for pleasure = higher test results. p.2
Card Topic For example, if your resolution is that homework is pointless, your claims supporting that assertion may fall into these categories: Educational value Student workload Free time Learning burnout
2. Source The source is the book, magazine, website where you found the information. Improved Performance Source #1 Study found standard test scores (+ or -) no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent reading for pleasure = higher test results. p.2
Source numbers Give the source a number that corresponds to the number on your source page Create a bibliography of sources List by the identifying number you used on the notecard
3. information The fact, thought or quote taken from the original sources. Improved Performance Source #1 Study found standard test scores (+ or -) no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent reading for pleasure = higher test results. p.2
information Be sure to paraphrase at this stage, then you will be certain not to accidentally plagiarize someone else's work. Avoid putting more than one idea on a note card/ Only put in direct quote that which you plan to quote directly include the specific source ( ).
4. page numbers Put page numbers on your note cards for term paper citations and to speed access to information from original sources. Improved Performance Source #1 Study found standard test scores (+ or -) no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent reading for pleasure = higher test results. p.2
Sample Note Cards Organized by Card Topic Improved Performance Source #1 Study found standard test scores (+ or -) no relation to time or amt hw BUT time spent reading for pleasure = higher test results. p.2 Student Workload Source #2 Students find it hard to work all day and also have hours of work each night. p.3 Free Time Source #5 Surveys of parents by the NEA suggested that activities outside of class were negatively impacted by overwork. p.2 Learning Burn Out Source #1 Learning becomes identified with Overwork and lack of other opportunities. p.2
Don’t forget the Source List. Number sources as per your notecards Use the Son of Citation machine to format Hand in page along with notecards Source List Kohn, Alfie. "Does Homework Improve Learning?." Homework Myth 2006: 2. Web. 26 Mar 2011. Wallis, Claudia. "The Myth About Homework." Time Magazine Aug. 29, 2006: 1. Web. 26 Mar 2011. <,9171,1376208,00.html>.
Information for this presentation came from the following source “Researching and Organizing Your Paper: The Note Card System.” English Works! Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C. Published: 1997 Reese, Jolene. "Research Paper Note Cards." East Chicago Schools. N.p., 2006. Web. 26 Mar 2011.