? ? LifeAfterDeath As understood in the Old Testament Sheol - “hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat), includ. its accessories and inmates - grave, hell, pit (KJV).” The New Strong’s Complete Dictionary of Bible Words
? ? LifeAfterDeath As understood in the Old Testament Sheol - Grave; the burial place of those who have died (cf. Job 17:13-16); - a gloomy place; a dark pit (Job 17:13-16; Jonah 2:1-2)
? ? LifeAfterDeath As understood in the Old Testament Sheol - Grave; the burial place of those who have died (cf. Job 17:13-16); Metaphorically - death (2 Sam. 22:6; Psa. 89:48).
? ? LifeAfterDeath As understood in the Old Testament Sheol - A place of departed spirits (cf. Job 26:5-6; Prov. 9:17-18). Not a place looked forward to Psa. 88:1-5, 10-12; Isa. 38:10-13,17-18).
? ? LifeAfterDeath As understood in the Old Testament Other evidence: David’s understanding (2 Sam. 12:22-23). Jacob’s understanding (Gen. 37:35).
? ? LifeAfterDeath As understood in the New Testament 2nd Temple Judaism at the time of Jesus: Sadducees - denied any kind of future life. Philo & his followers - a future disembodied state. Pharisees - a future embodied state in a new heavens and new earth. - This was Jesus’ understanding (cf. Jn. 11:21-27).
? ? LifeAfterDeath As understood in the New Testament 2nd Temple Judaism at the time of Jesus: Jesus’ teaching concerning Lazarus & the rich man (Lk. 16:19-31). - The dead went into the realm of hades (sheol). ✓ Righteous - Abraham’s bosom or Paradise. ✓ Wicked - Torment.
Because of Jesus’ death & resurrection, Things Changed Dramatically!
? ? LifeAfterDeath Transition from Old to New Covenant Under the Old Covenant: A relationship of remoteness. As the OT faithful were kept at a distance from God in life, so they were kept at a distance in death.
? ? LifeAfterDeath Transition from Old to New Covenant Under the New Covenant: Because of Jesus, direct access to God is now possible. Through Jesus, all God’s faithful people now enter into God’s presence
? ? LifeAfterDeath Transition from Old to New Covenant Under the New Covenant: After Acts 2, we never read of deceased saints going to hades or believing that’s where they would go.
? ? LifeAfterDeath Transition from Old to New Covenant Under the New Covenant: Their expectation was to be with Jesus. - Stephen (Acts 7:54-60). - Paul (2 Cor. 5:1-8; Phil. 1:21-24).
? ? LifeAfterDeath Transition from Old to New Covenant Under the New Covenant: Paradise was understood as the dwelling place of God (cf. 2 Cor. 12:2-4; Rev. 2:7)
? ? LifeAfterDeath Why a resurrection? The disembodied state of being with God in heaven is not our final state. There is life after life after death.