P LAGIARISM & D OCUMENTING S OURCES Class blog: lib105fall09.blogspot.com
I N THIS LESSON, WE ’ LL DISCUSS Plagiarism Documenting Sources Various Citation Styles MLA
F INAL PART OF THE RESEARCH PROCESS communicate and support your conclusions utilizing info citing sources gathered during your research helps you build your argument Incorporating the work of others is acceptable in academic writing let your audiences know when you are using someone else's ideas where you found that info
P LAGIARISM stealing words, ideas that belongs to someone else borrowing the idea or opinion of someone else w/o giving credit; restating or paraphrasing a passage w/o citing the original author; borrowing facts or statistics that are not common knowledge w/o proper acknowledgement.
P LAGIARISM : WHY SHOULD YOU CARE ? If you use someone else's ideas, give them credit. You cheat yourself when you substitute someone else's work for your own. Do the right thing with your research and writing. Avoid the consequences for doing the wrong thing.
C ONSEQUENCES OF PLAGIARISM Colleges and universities have policies regarding plagiarism … In plain English, if you're caught plagiarizing or cheating, you could receive additional work to make up for the plagiarized project a F for the course suspension from the college/univ
A VOID PLAGIARISM Take careful notes, write down the citation for the source, and indicate page numbers. Use quotations when copying the words of an author. Give credit to the original author in the text and bibliography of your paper. Don’t procrastinate. You are more likely to plagiarize--either accidentally or on purpose--when you are in a rush.
H OW DO YOU GIVE CREDIT ? Citations!!! To give credit to your sources, you should use a recognized citation style. APA, MLA, Chicago, CSE, etc. Citation Styles subject guide For this class, MLA (Modern Language Association) MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers CIRC & RESERVES REF LB 2369.G
C OMMON KNOWLEDGE Things are considered “common knowledge” do not need to be cited. e.g. George Washington was the first President of the United States of America.
S TYLE G UIDES rules for how to arrange details like author, title, publication date, retrieval date, etc. details may vary depending on what you are citing: Books Articles from print journals or newspapers Articles obtained from databases like Academic Search Premier or PsycINFO Web sites style guides available online or at the libraries ask a librarian for help
MLA: CITE A BOOK Author’s name. Title of Book. Publication Information. Print. Zerby, Chuck. Devil’s Details: A History of Footnotes. Montpelier: Invisible Cities Press, Print.
MLA: CITE A JOURNAL ARTICLE ( CONTINUOUS PAGINATION ) Author’s name. "Title of Article." Publication information. Print. Johnson, Catherine A. and Wendy M. Duffy. “Chatting Up the Archivist: Social Capital and Archival Researcher.” American Archivist 68 (2005): Print. Note: no issue number in the citation.
MLA: CITE A JOURNAL ARTICLE ( CONTINUOUS PAGINATION, FULL TEXT FROM SUBSCRIPTION DATABASE ) Author(s). "Title of Article." Publication information. Database name. Web. Access date. Elliott, Stephen N., Nan Huai, and Andrew T. Roach. “Universal and Early Screening for Educational Difficulties: Current and Future Approaches.” Journal of School Psychology 45 (2007): Science Direct. Web. 25 May 2007.
MLA: CITE A JOURNAL ARTICLE ( NON - CONTINUOUS PAGINATION, THAT PAGES EACH ISSUE SEPARATELY ) Author(s). "Title of Article." Publication information. Print. Mehta, Shreefal and Lois S. Peters. “Outsourcing a Core Competency.” Research Technology Management 50.3 (2007): Print. Note: issue number is given.
MLA: CITE A MAGAZINE ARTICLE Author(s). “Title of article.” Publication information. Print. Manley, Will. “Will’s World: Confessions of a Footnote Enthusiast.” American Libraries Mar. 2006: 96. Print. Keep in mind, when you document works in an magazine, do not cite the volume and issue numbers, even if they are printed in the issue.
MLA: CITE A WEB SITE Editor(s). Web site name. Electronic publication information. Date of access. Clarke, Andy. Accessibility Footnotes: And All That Malarkey Andy Clarke Stuff and Nonsense. 29 May Note: elec publication info, includ. version number, date of elec. pub. or of the latest update, and name of any sponsoring institution or org.
L ET ' S WRAP UP THE PROCESS OF UTILIZING Give credit to your sources Lifting material directly from any source without giving credit to the original author or creator is dishonest and risky. Use a recognized style guide Consistency in citing sources is an expectation for academic work.