BC501 eBusiness Fundamentals Topic 1
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Digital information Photography, Video, TV. How does this change things for business? Visible change today is the Internet. Big opportunity - Access at a distance Also limitations – used for good and bad…..
Just how digital is the world becoming? Who is using the Internet? How are they using the Internet? Consumers, citizens, students, business Becoming central to what many people are doing Not everyone has access….what is happening in other parts of the world?
Could you have predicted the changes 10 years ago? How has life changed for you compared to 5 or 10 years ago? What were the signs then? What signals are there for where we are heading? What will your job be?
Where do you find information on…… The Internet is a vast database of intertwined information Search has always been an important component. How do I find information? After 10 years search has become the focal point of every major player. Yahoo, Google, IBM, Qantas, Sensis etc ….so how as a business do you get found? Advertising still part of the solution…. Moved from domain names, banner ads to search based advertising
Altruism Vs Best Business Yahoo, Google – tying in process of search and advertising …paid placement search First page the most important….. Opportunity for advertisers, dumbing down for searcher? Search – bots, crawlers, people (early yahoo) Wikipedia – organised by people.. Search protocol? Questions, key word, set of expressions (Boolean ie this or that etc) Natural language the ideal
How to rank? Ranking algorithms needed. If millions of results how are they ranked. Google took novel approach to ranking (future case study)
Four main search components 1) Data base 2) a collection mechanism for adding data 3) search protocol which enables users to query the database 4) A ranking algorithm that determines how results are presented to users
Search IS the web Search has become the focal point of the web. Google is currently the leader Search is core aspect of where we are heading Average users today are storing vast amounts of data… We are moving to a world where you dont throw anything away.
Video Bill Joy led Sun's technical strategy from the founding of the company in 1982 until September While at Sun, he was a key designer of Sun technologies including Solaris, SPARC, chip architectures and pipelines, and Java. In 1995 he installed the first city-wide WiFi network. Joy has more than 40 patents issued or in progress. Bill Joy Video -
Stuff So what are the 6 webs? Could there be more? What does it mean for business?
Before next week Listen to first 2 podcasts Build a wiki, blog or web page Think about and explore search concepts