The OLRAC Marine Data Solution is an advanced system for tracking marine related data that employs state of the art VMS technology and cutting edge encryption methods for data transfer. This allows for maximum availability and security of data. The OLRAC DDM receives the reports and sends acknowledgement of receipt back to the OLRAC DDL. Go to Slide: 1 2 RESET Next Feature OLRAC DDL is integrated with many third party Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) and it can make use of other onboard transmission systems. Data may be transferred between the OLRAC DDL and the OLRAC DDM via one of several transmission methods. These include SatCom and GSM/3G/GPRS units, as well as portable media such as USB drives. The data is made available to the different stakeholders via a web interface at different levels of security clearance depending on which stakeholder is accessing data. Any number of access levels can be created – typical ones include vessel owners, vessel masters (fishermen), compliance officers, scientists and fish wholesalers. The users can also enter data directly into OLRAC DDM via a web interface. 3 Slide 1 of 3 Next Slide Previous Feature Next Feature Previous Feature Next Feature Previous Feature Previous Slide Developed by OLRAC SPS | | OLRAC Dynamic Data Logger (DDL) OLRAC Dynamic Data Manager(DDM) Via SatCom Via USB Via Mobile Phone Virtual Fish Market Compliance Officer Various Data Transfer Options Commercial Fishing Companies Vessel Owners Resource Managers
OLRAC DDL is a highly sophisticated, onboard software solution for recording and the reporting on ALL marine related data in ANY format. It includes a variety of add-on modules to enhance the client’s ease of use and benefit. The OLRAC DDL can record every attribute of catch data. In addition, provision is made for a sample of the catch to be recorded for size structure analysis All vessel activity data (e.g. trips, sets, hauls, catch) is recorded and can be made available to fleet managers and compliance agencies so that fishing resources are optimally managed. OLRAC DDL caters for catch data to be recorded in the utmost detail. The screen above shows how the user is prompted to record the correct berry state of female lobsters through the use of images. Once data has been collected, it can be sent to various parties in various formats – for example, it can be sent via (using any of the most common transmission methods) to the OLRAC DDM or the relevant Fishing Authority in XML format, and to the Vessel Agents in HTML format. It can also be exported in raw form to the OLRAC DDM via the built-in export utility. Environmental conditions– such as ocean currents, water temperature, cloud cover and wildlife interaction – are recorded and grouped with corresponding catch for later analysis (e.g. catch by moon phase, catch by surface temperature, wildlife interaction by gear used). Go to Slide: RESET Slide 2 of 3 Next Slide Next Feature Previous Feature Developed by OLRAC SPS | | Previous Slide
OLRAC Dynamic Data Manager (DDM) is an advanced, web-based software solution for monitoring vessel activity from anywhere in the world. OLRAC GIS is an add on, analytical utility which can read data collected by the OLRAC unit and present the user with a variety of summarised statistics such as CPUE distribution in spatial, tabulated or graphic forms. The main screen of the OLRAC DDM tracks data such as vessel movement and fishing zones which is useful for compliance agencies to make sure that vessels are fishing in zones designated for fishing and for vessel owners to effectively manage the fishing operation of their fleet. For example, OLRAC DDM can plot bycatch density maps and distribute them to vessels while still at sea so that the vessels can avoid high bycatch areas. The data is made available to the different stakeholders via a web interface at different levels of security clearance depending on which stakeholder is accessing data. Any number of access levels can be created – typical ones include vessel owners, vessel masters (fishermen), compliance officers, scientists and fish wholesalers. Vessel owners can view catch information in real-time while the vessel is still at sea and monitor vessels position and activity anywhere in the world Scientists and natural resource managers can receive data essential for the scientific analysis and management of exploited fish resources Virtual fish markets can use the software to negotiate the purchase and sale of fish while the vessel is still at sea Compliance agencies can view OLRAC-DDL reports via the shore DDM system and monitor vessel compliance in real-time Mobile Client Tablet Client Desktop Client Web Services Fish market data VMS Data Authorities Scientists OLRAC DDM Web Interface Go to Slide: 1 2 Next Feature 3 RESET The OLRAC DDM receives data from third party VMS systems which enables a cross-reference of positions reported by skippers with the data received automatically from the VMS, thus ensuring greater accuracy and reliability of data. Web services allow for the OLRAC DDM to make use of third party data sources (e.g. earth observation satellite imagery) to cross check the information recorded in the system Slide 3 of 3 Next Feature Previous Feature Next Feature Previous Feature Reset Show Previous Slide Developed by OLRAC SPS | |