1 'Refworks - A new users perspective' Ian Knox Centre for Regional Innovation and Competitiveness and School of Business
2 ABSTRACT In this seminar, I want to share my experience to date using Refworks, an online bibliography and citation generator, and research management tool. This seminar is not a replacement for a formal training session (conducted by the library); rather is an opportunity to see Refworks demonstrated and discussed from a researchers point of view. I currently has about 300 citations in my Refworks database and to date my experience has been overwhelmingly positive despite the occasional glitch.
3 The Bits 1)Refworks – the database 2)Write-n-cite :- for WORD in-text citation and bibliography creation (Download from refworks).
4 Logging on If logging on from home/away Need to logon institution first i.e. RWBallarat
5 Using refworks Start with Google Scholar e.g. Search for Auction TheoryAuction Theory
6 Use Library Databases Logon to Library I use metasearch or eJournals Whatever works best for you….Library
7 Search You can use folders, or not; Include Descriptors but not critical Modify as you learn more….
8 Write-N-Cite This is what it is all about. Just download Write-n-citeWrite-n-cite Logons are annoying but you get used to it. UB issue I think.
9 Quick Start Summary Log-on at If at home enter RWBallarat at instutution prompt Click new user tab and enter details
10 Conclusion Everyone can use Refworks including students and staff. You do still need to format (sometimes), you do need to be online but…. Refworks is so forgiving, so simple, so powerful and so accessible to all the UB community.
11 Thanks This presentation is on my eBusiness Blog page at –